Tuesday, March 15 2016, 07:12:20
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  • She Says

Priya Motiani


Here’s What Happened At Jaipur’s First Ever SHEROES Community Meet

  • JWB Post
  •  February 10, 2016


Sheroes – the job and career community for women, is traveling to 42 cities across the nation to conduct their community meets, and our very own pink city was their destination, yesterday.

It was a warm afternoon, and the serene beauty of the area neighboring the venue was splendid – after all, the meet was held near the Amber Fort, at the Vintage Kitchen.

Like the other men and women, the JWB cadets – Sanchit and I, were eagerly anticipating the proceeds of the session, when Puneet Dhillon – Marketing & Events Head, Sheroes, and her team-mate Srishti Kush, broke the ice and engaged the audience in a conversation.


One by one, each member of the audience spoke of their occupation and their hurdles. Puneet heard them out attentively and offered constructive advice and alternatives.


Little did we know that midst the petite gathering, there were people with varied and super-cool talents! Army-nurse, computer coder, CA, entrepreneurs, and what’s more? There were bloggers too!


She is Shruti Pandit, a woman who has been working for the past 25 years. Earlier involved in the family business of handicrafts and textile exports, Shruti has recently ventured into creating her home furnishing brand – Eyda.



This ex-army nurse, and owner of a chain of schools, has also worked as branch head with HDFC. Her name is Naheed Khan. Oh, and did I mention that she’s organizing a Women Fraternity Bike Sharing Event on 8th of March in Jaipur?


Then also came my turn to do the talking. Jaipur Women Blog received much love and kudos from both Sheroes team and the audience. Thank you all you wonderful people!


There were also some, amongst the gathering, who were passionate about writing. Puneet suggested them content writing jobs – both part-time and stay-at-home. She also talked about a math teaching company called QLearn.

Another lucrative option that Puneet spoke of was BestDealTV, through which one can stay at home and earn a lot of money. Find out more about it here.

As the meet came to a close, Puneet inspired us with her exemplary success story. Having worked as a media professional for what seems a really long time, she spoke of her associations with leading labels such as HT, India Today, etc., and also mentioned how working with Sheroes, away from the world of glamor, is an interface with reality.

“The most important tip that goes for everyone is to proactively start networking. And for networking, you need to get out of the house,” said Puneet.

One funny incident that set in motion a ripple of laughter was when one woman described the breaks in her career.

“After marriage, I took a break from my career. When I thought of starting again, I became pregnant. After my baby, when I thought of joining back, I was pregnant the second time. So I thought to get over with this issue first and then resume.”

Puneet seconded this thought and thoughts of other women of taking breaks in their career, and how those breaks made them a little less confident.

“Getting back up is difficult, but you’ve got to keep going.”

Picture Courtesy:


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