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Komal Panwar


JWB Thanks The Biking Bros This International Men’s Day

  • JWB Post
  •  November 19, 2015


We’re a women’s blog and you see us writing only about women, some people even wonder if we’re men haters (LOL). Today, on the special day of International Men’s Day, we’re introducing a new section on our website – Jaipur Men.

To show our “love” towards men, we decided to head out of the office and pretend to be men for a day! We met up with men from different professions and interests and thanked them for their awesomeness and respect they hold for women.

I jumped at the thought of becoming a badass biker. Oh yeahhh. Now, I couldn’t do wheelies and stoppies, but I could… pretend… right?

I reached the Harley Davidson showroom wearing “boots” for my first biking gig. I pulled on a Harley Davidson jacket, gloves and helmet and we were ready to ride. The badass rider Mrigank told me a little bit about the bikes, which pretty much all went flying over my head.

Though, that’s one goal I wish to achieve, riding a bike.

I think I’m getting ahead of myself…

Anyway, I strode towards my bike and controlled the pirouetting butterflies inside my stomach, tried hard not to smile and to hold that “badass” look that I talked of.

Ah, but the straight face often bursts in fits of laughter with the biker staring at me wondering kahaan phas gaya yaar.

I hopped onto the back seat of Mrigank’s Harley and shoooooooooo we went.

“Wow, I literally know nothing about bikes.” I exclaimed.

“You’re Jon Snow.” He commented.

Biker and GoT fan… I had two reasons to thank him now.

After the smooth ride, I gave him my thank you letter.


Dear Mr. Biker,

We often forget to thank you, and are grabbing this opportunity on International Men’s Day.

We see you on the roads, looking all badass in your leather jacket and your domes and cuts. You are the rider on the storm. The sight of you is enough to scare the shenanigans away.

I’d like to thank you and your biker clubs! Thank you for not being a part of the eve-teasing bunch. Thank you, in fact, for scaring them away with your attire alone, even when some of you are with broken wings.

Thanks to the graybeards for passing on their wisdom to the squids!

On behalf of all the hardbellies, we thank you!

Your bros at

Jaipur Women Blog


Mrigank smiled and said, “You’re welcome squid!”

Now, thankfully I’d done my research on the biker lingo so I knew what he meant.

All of you men out there, Happy International Men’s Day! Continue being your awesome selves.

PS – Thank you Harley Davidson for trusting us that we won’t kill your babies!

The wind seems to be clear with a word of appreciation from the Jaipur Women Bolg on the International Mens’ Day…”For all the graybeards for passing on their wisdom to the squids”

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Guys, the fun isn’t over yet, we have more women becoming men for a day. Stick around, we’ll be back!

Photo Courtesy –

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