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 ‘Women In The Wild’: Showing Confident Breastfeeding Moms

  • JWB Post
  •  July 14, 2015


After being , photographer mom Erin White created her own project to share stories of breastfeeding and changing body image after pregnancy.

Erin White captured beautiful images of breastfeeding mothers along with their babies. Each picture is supported by that particular mother’s quote on motherhood, changing physical image and how much she has explored herself during this new journey.

Under her project “Women in the Wild”, Erin has included 51 inspiring mothers from different parts of the world.

Mothers chose to wear the most comfortable attires for their photo session. Some of them even stripped down to underwear showing their confidence in the new body with extra pounds and stretchmarks.

The project basically aims to instigate a sense of confidence in mothers regarding their body images.

Moreover, Erin hopes to photograph more mothers in future that will help people see breastfeeding as a natural act of feeding a baby.

Have a look at her project:

Ardra: “All of us together made me feel like we were one big voice in showing all mothers that doing this for your child is OK no matter where you are or who has something negative to say. Do it for the benefit of your children. And be proud of the bond that you make!”

Achley: “Breastfeeding as a black woman has its challenges, but the biggest one is making sure the message I am sending is a clear one. … For years, black nursing moms were a myth, a fairytale, the unseen. As moms of every race graced the cover of magazines, I patiently waited for my green light­ — a phenomenal black woman to make a statement so bold she would inspire women of color to come out of hiding. I take solace in knowing that the times are slowly changing, to include my perspective. We’ve all heard, black women breastfeed, too, but to be honest, I wasn’t too sure if that was true. But I stand here today to tell you, they do!”

Ashlyn: “Breastfeeding my babies was something that was just ingrained in me. I always knew we would be in it for the long haul, however long that meant. I was blessed with an easy start and an amazing support system. I know not everyone is so lucky. I know this bond is something to be cherished and I cherish it every single day.”

Kimberly: “After forty combined months of breastfeeding, I couldn’t feel more in control of myself. I have brought life to two beautiful children. I have sustained them. For the first time I feel like celebrating my body as a wonderful and precious instrument rather than a shell of betrayal.”

Scarlet: “I have struggled with my weight since I had my first child but the older I get, the more accepting I am becoming of my body that housed my two lovely humans. My stretch marks and extra skin around my mid section are constant reminders of the miracles God has blessed me with.”

Amber: “It wasn’t until I first became a mother through a violent relationship at the age of 19 that I opened my eyes and realized just how strong I could be and started to embrace every single flaw I had. I knew that I had to learn to love myself so that I could break the cycle of violence for my son and show him how women deserve to be treated… I have been on a mission ever since to encourage other women to realize just how beautiful they are and how strong they are as well. All women are beautiful and as mothers, we need to embrace every perceived flaw because we are teaching our children how to view themselves and how to treat others.”

Leah: “This is an amazing project, to normalize breast feeding, to show others how beautiful a bond between a mother and their child(ren) can be and to help mothers like me gain confidence is a beautiful thing.”

Jamie and Courtney: “My breastfeeding relationship has been totally awe inspiring. From the first few days of sleepy newborn latches to feeling like superwoman for growing a human with exclusively my milk for the first six months. I was her lifeline for literally 16 months from conception to solid foods. … And I can see how imperative it is to have a supportive partner, without her physical and emotional support, I would have been more apt to stop when things got rough.”

For more information about Erin White’s project, visit her website and .

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