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Use Salted Butter And Other Baking Hacks To Get The Perfect Cake!

  • JWB Post
  •  August 27, 2016


What comes to your mind when you think of the word ‘baking’? CAKE, of course! When it comes to baking, I am a dunce. No seriously, I have the worst luck with ovens.

I came across my savior Chef Rakhee, who shared baking hacks with the Huffington Post.

1. Get your philosophy right

Baking is a science, so being precise is important. However, it is most definitely an art as well. Baking is where you can embrace strong, sometimes contrasting ideas, by the end of which, you relish wondrous goodies.

2. Measurements matter

It’s always better to lay out your ingredients on the table, calculated as per the recipe. Sometimes, wrong measurements could lead to an accidental miracle, but more often than not, they result in a stodgy mess. Standard rule: Precise measurements = Great bakes!

3. Use salted butter… really!

I’ve trotted around the world and its kitchens. The thing I’ve learned is to always use the local salted butter in your recipes. It doesn’t matter where the recipe came from, or if it calls for unsalted butter. Now, unsalted butter does have a tad bit of salt in it, which draws out a certain sweetness, which could very well be fine, but save yourself the trouble and go local. It’ll taste amazing!

Prepping or pre-heating the oven is THE most important task. If the oven isn’t warm enough, your lovely batter will remain sunk like a soaked sponge.

4. Shop smarter

If you’re travelling abroad or even domestically, make a hunting trip down the local markets for special ingredients. For instance, vanilla extracts, grinders, pastes, even fancy sprinkles are thrice the rate in fancy supermarkets back home — which means local markets are the best places for supreme quality and nifty rates. Plus, they don’t take up much space in your luggage, so shop away!

5. Swear by silicon

Spare yourself the labour of baking sheets and get silicon mats for your baking endeavours. They are easier to store, use and clean.

6. Turn on the heat

Most people think that making the batter perfectly is most of the battle won. That’s not true at all. Prepping or pre-heating the oven is THE most important task. If the oven isn’t warm enough, your lovely batter will remain sunk like a soaked sponge. Stodgy mess, remember? For better results, get a convention oven!

7. Get the right kitchen helpers

Lastly, know that nothing cooks up a fine creation better than top-quality ingredients. Keep a recipe book handy, because you’ll need the step-by-step dos and don’ts. And don’t be disheartened if your first attempt isn’t perfection — the best of us need at least two tries to get it right!

So grab your aprons and whisks. Let’s get baking!

Source: Huffington Post


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