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Jayati Godhawat

JWB Blogger

All Hail To Prince Harry For His Powerful Feminist Speech In Nepal

  • JWB Post
  •  March 29, 2016


Honestly, when I first read about the “Feminist Speech of Prince Harry” I couldn’t believe my eyes. Prince Harry, who is infamous for his romances and his lavish party lifestyle, at first, didn’t appeal to my senses for being a male feminist.But it turns out; Prince Harry’s feminist speech has charmed not only women but millions of people all over the world. Harry appeared at the Nepal Girl Summit in Kathmandu and delivered an impassioned speech on women’s rights and their access to education.

He began:

“I am delighted to have the opportunity of opening this event alongside President Bhandari. Madam President, you have championed the opportunities for women and girls in Nepal for many years, and it is a privilege to share this stage with you today.”

He talked about various issues and challenges faced by women all over the world and the need to change it.

“While the unique challenges faced by girls is not a topic I have spoken much about in the past, I think it’s important to acknowledge something that has become obvious to me and is already known to everyone in this room: There are way too many obstacles between girls and the opportunities they deserve. Whether it’s a girl in Lesotho living with HIV or the talented young woman in Britain who doesn’t get taken seriously because of where she grew up, or the 14-year-old girl forced out of school so she can get married here in Nepal, we need to acknowledge that so many countries and cultures are failing to protect the opportunities for young women and girls in the way they do for boys.”

Reinforcing his feminist attitude proudly, he also added,

“I believe it is vitally important for men like me to acknowledge this as loudly and openly as role models do like President Bhandari, the U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama and activists like Malala [Yousafzai]. As the First Lady has said, change needs to come from the bottom up. We won’t unlock these opportunities for young women and girls unless we can change the mindset of every family and community. To achieve this, it cannot just be women who speak up for girls.”

He also threw some light on the disturbing statistics.

“So, let’s be open about some of the challenges facing young women. Globally, 62 million girls are not getting the education they deserve. Two-thirds of the nearly 800 million people who were never taught to read and write are women,” he revealed. “Around the world, more than 700 million women alive today were married as children and nearly 250 million of them were married before the age of 15.”

“Here in Nepal, nearly half of all women who are today in their 20s, 30s and 40s were married before their 18th birthdays. And a little under half gave birth while still in their teens,” he said. “It may be obvious to say it, but girls who marry young stay at home. They don’t finish school. And they soon become locked in a cycle of illiteracy, poverty, ill health and, ultimately, powerlessness. How can this cycle be broken? We all know what the answer is education.”

He weaved so perfectly in words, the importance of education and how it can improve lives of not only women but their families, communities and countries in entirety.

Improved access to education can transform lives, families, communities and ultimately entire countries. When girls finish their schooling, they gain skills, knowledge and confidence – in short; they are empowered to improve their lives and the lives of everyone around them.”

He added,

“I recognize that each country must find its own path; and that here in Nepal, this is a complex social challenge. But it is one that the Government is tackling and is making progress in its hope of ending child marriage by 2030; it has fallen by 10% over the last decade, and the practice is now banned by law. Therefore, the focus can now turn toward enforcement and education.”

Bravo, Prince!

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