Friday, February 19 2016, 09:46:46

The Cake-Take on Mr. & Mrs. Prabhakar’s love story

  • JWB Post
  •  February 13, 2015

This couple had a love marriage 4.5 years back but that doesn’t stop them from getting lost in each other’s eyes even today. Together with , we are all set to explore their love life.

As Shikhar describes their bond: “It is all about compatibility that has kept us going on.”

“But more about friendship. We are friends of 8 yrs before getting engaged,” adds Ruchi.

JWB’s team reached their home early morning to bake some love recipes with them. Before that, we gave them the cupcakes Miss Bakers had sent for them as a a souvenir.

JWB – What color is your relationship?

Ruchi – Red – full of love.

Shikhar – White – I will give credit to the transparency.

JWB – So Mr. & Mrs. Prabhakar, we want you to relive your love story. Take this fondant clay and make each other!

Ruchi – Wow, so I have to make a clay model of Shikhar and he has to make me!?

JWB – Yes, just like what we see on the top of wedding designer cakes by Miss Bakers!

Shikhar – Interesting. I will start with making the Ruchi I met for the 1st time.

…a fat girl.

Ruchi – What do you mean? I was never fat, Shikhar.

Shikhar (laughs) – I know dear, just wanted to tease you. You know how women are!

See, this is what you looked like to me.

JWB – Umm…but this doesn’t look like Ruchi by any means. Actually, it doesn’t look like a human being!

Shikhar – Well, let us consider she is wearing a long gown.

JWB – Okay. And Ruchi, how are you making Shikhar’s model?

Ruchi – I am making a Fit-Shikhar since I want him to focus on his health a bit now.

Shikhar –But I am NOT fat!

Ruchi (sarcastic grin) – See now, how men are!

JWB – Awww…we can’t get over your sweetened arguments.

Ruchi – I will tell you a thing, Shikhar and I don’t really fight. I am not saying this for the sake of this session, but he is the calmest and most composed person I have ever known.

Shikhar (in a serious tone) – At that, I want to excuse myself saying that I get bothered only about one thing – that I have been allotted only one cupboard in the house. Can you believe it? Even men are supposed to have many clothes!

Ruchi (laughs) – I feel guilty.

JWB – Don’t worry Shikhar, we will make sure your voice is heard by our women readers.

Ruchi – And, here is Shikhar, all set to rock my world.

Shikhar – I look swag!

Ruchi – I look restless!

Shikhar – You don’t like this one? Let me make another for you.

My Ruchi wearing a red Valentino gown.

…with a Sash.

Ruchi – And I took taller now. Thank you.

JWB – Ruchi, do you want him to make any further changes in this model?

Ruchi – Is this a metaphor for asking if I want him to notice something special in me as his wife?

JWB – We don’t mind.

Shikhar – I really want to use this opportunity to say something to Ruchi.

In spite of love marriage, sometimes we forget to acknowledge our partner’s value in our life. The same has happened with us, where with the course of time I might have forgotten to tell her how important she is for me.

Ruchi was my best friend before we decided to get married. She was the person with whom I had shared about my girlfriends and also my worries as a person away from home in Mumbai. I always knew I have chosen the right woman to marry when I proposed to her. Why? Because no one else could have adjusted the way she has. How many Mumbai girls do we see settling in a city like Jaipur? That too 5 yrs back! She had left her career for the love we shared. Moving here was not even a minute’s decision for her.

I remember myself having a gala time in Mumbai, enjoying my single days. Marrying her hasn’t changed a thing. She gives me space to still enjoy my boys’ night out. She hasn’t altered my life, just added more beauty to it. She is one woman I want to salute. Definitely, she is special.

(We noticed a tear rolling down Ruchi’s eyes. And then…)

Ruchi – Thank the heaven, I didn’t friend-zone you, Mister.

(Everyone laughed)

Ruchi – But I don’t call my actions a sacrifice, it was love. It is love. With Shikhar, I have given wings to my adventurous side.


This is the Jaipur woman we are talking about this Valentine’s day. She is strong and independent, yet dipped in the sugary love head-to-toe. Increased responsibilities and child cannot stop her from giving her 100% to the relations she cherishes. In their case, the child is a living proof of the couple’s love.

Baby Shanaya

“This is Shanaya with mumma papa” – says the little one.

PS – Don’t forget to surprise your beloved with cakes from ! You won’t regret, we guarantee.

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