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Komal Panwar


Meet This Jaipur Couple That Chants To The Universe Together

  • JWB Post
  •  February 13, 2016


In our quest for finding the perfect couples who do regular activities together and make their lives interesting, we’ve found a couple that shows ‘faith’ together. 

Wondering what that means? Mr. Virendra and Mrs. Amita Lodha were introduced to Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism thirteen years ago. Since then, it is pretty much a daily routine for them to sit together and chant the prayer twice a day.

Amita: My husband’s friend introduced us to the practice. I remember researching and studying together about it with Virendra. We decided to give it a shot, and once we began, it was life transforming. 

Virendra ji was sitting composed, in his sparkling white shirt and as disciplined as a Doon school boy (LOL). My first impression of him turned out to be true. Self-five.

Me: Since uncle is a Lawyer, and has to leave for work in the morning. How do you two manage to sit together and pray? Are there times you miss out?

Amita: Unless he’s traveling, we pray together every day without fail.

Virendra: It’s Amita who encourages me every morning, and I can’t expect a better start of the day.

Me: I’ve heard from my ‘sources’ that uncle often drops and picks you up from the Buddhism meetings. How true is that?

Amita (laughs): Well, your sources are 100% true. However, I’m an excellent driver, too.

Virendra: Yes, she is. *nodding*

Meanwhile, Amita ji enquired if her Golden and Pink Silk saree looked fine. I still can’t get over what Virendra ji answered.

There is a reason why 80% of your wardrobe is full of pinks. I love this color on you.”

Me: How have you explored your relationship while practicing together?

Amita: It’s not just Buddhism! It’s any kind of faith. When we do things together, we tend to find a sense of comfort in each other’s conviction. Even when one starts to give up, the other is always there to lift up the spirits. 

Me: And with your family?

Amita: Handling three boys (two sons and a husband) wasn’t an easy task. *chuckles* Seeing their parents indulging into the practice has shaped the kids in a brilliant way. The relationships have evolved, and we’re now more closely-knit, even though the kids have studied abroad for some years. 

Me: I love how you both are so dedicated towards your practice. How often do you talk about it with your friends?

In chorus: All the time!

Me: Uncle, this question is for you. How would you describe aunty’s role in your relationship?

Virendra: Since it’s a Valentine’s Day interview, let’s take the cupid’s bow and arrow as an example. She is the elastic that holds the arrow! With the knowledge of how much and when to stretch, she has handled it all. In a nutshell, she is the backbone of our family. Our older son is a mathematician, while the younger one is practicing Law. She’s played an elaborate role in the success of both of our children. From dropping them to school, to helping them with their homework, she’s been there. I can safely say that I’m a lucky man. 

Amita: Ah! Don’t embarrass me!

Me: It is a weekday and you seem to be running late for dinner? Aunty, is he taking you out on a date?

Amita: Feel free to call it a date, even though we’re headed to a reception. 

Love can be expressed in infinite forms. This Valentine’s Day, we give you ideas to find little ways to fall in love again.

#CupidWishes: When a couple connects spiritually with one another, love flourishes.


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