Tuesday, April 19 2016, 03:20:51
  • fatasstic
  • fatasstic
  • She Says

Lavanya Bahuguna


Do You Have A ‘Resting Bitch Face’?

  • JWB Post
  •  April 13, 2016


Are you aware of the term ‘Resting Bitch Face’?

If you’re a woman who doesn’t smile often, you’ve likely been accused of having a resting bitch face. 

rbf resting bitch face face amazing bitch

source: giphy.com

Familiar face?

To advocate on behalf of women who wear the Resting Bitch Faces most of their time, Poet Olivia Gatwood is singing a two-minute slam poem. Here, she depicts this facial expression as a symptom of the much greater societal issue stating how women’s bodies are constantly under surveillance and subject to the approval of men.

Olivia asks her admirers to look for the real reason and not call such women ‘bitches’ or ‘mean’.

“Resting Bitch Face, they call you,

But there is nothing restful about you.”

Listen to her kick-ass poem and stay awesome:

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