Sunday, March 27 2016, 10:56:03

Lavanya Bahuguna


So THIS Happens When You Google ‘Single Mother’

  • JWB Post
  •  March 5, 2016


Now this is a good start of the day. I just happened to Google-search about single mothers in the morning and to my surprise, the search engine showed ‘Single Mothers Dating’ as the second most searched topic.

What is the reason to be happy?

Dude, it’s the sign of change. It’s a sign we’re steadily stepping out of the taboo-line that single mothers cannot date or have another partner. Upon surfing a little more, I found few good websites where single parents can date.

Some of you may not like my opinion and might be cocking your eyebrows while you read this. It’s possible if you have the following worries:

  • Who will date/marry a Mother, a woman who has already sacrificed her vagina to some other man!
  • What man in his right mind would date someone with so much baggage?
  • What if this woman was not even married in the first place? What if her child is out of wedlock?
  • What if she decides to divorce me, as well?

Oh, calm down already!

Let me tell you why it is indeed good to have a single mother as your partner:

You’ve got your kids: If you are biologically not fit to produce kids, cheer up! She already has kids and that means, you don’t have to wait to experience this beautiful phase of a marriage, and that you get additional 9 months of romance! Moreover, nurturing her kids will make you more compassionate as a human being.

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Sympathetic partner: A mother is full of emotions. Once a woman bears her child, she develops motherly feelings towards every living being.

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Sound finances: Since she’s taking care of a life before you met her, she knows how to handle finances in the most efficient way. Even if she is financially independent or not, she knows money’s value.

Awesome sex: Studies say that women in their 40s or close to it are in their sexual prime. It’s possible that she’s gone through a bad marriage, presumably, bad sex too! With you, she will explore her sexuality from a new perspective. You don’t want to miss that, do you?

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No drama: She has gone through the biggest drama of her life, and trust me, she needs no more. Every decision-making session between you and her will happen tranquilly minus the arguments. Sounds good?

She values everything and everyone: She has gone through a lot and that why she’ll never ever take you for granted. She knows what it takes to be in a relationship and make it successful.

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No cheating: Both of you are wise to take such a strong step of being together, and hence, there are almost no chances of cheating on one another. Playing games is totally off your charts by now and it’s clear she wants to settle down with a Settler (hint: it’s you!).

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So, if you’re planning to ask a single mother out, you’ve my approval! I personally know a couple of single mothers living in Jaipur who are kick-ass women to be with.

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