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  • She Says

MissMalini’s Forbes Interview

  • JWB Post
  •  April 10, 2015


We are so happy for MissMalini who got interviewed by Forbes recently! Malini Agarwal started a hobby blog in 2008 which is India’s no. 1 entertainment blog today. In her story, she tells how she gradually had to hire a team when her blog started growing that even compelled her husband to leave everything and support her!

Below are the excerpts from her interview with Forbes telling all about her journey from a dancer to radio jockey to MissMalini.com! She even gives a handful of advice on the future of the Indian ePublishing space:

First step:

MM: I was a radio jockey on Bombay’s only English language radio station for 9 years. I also wrote a column in Bombay’s popular tabloid Mid-Day, and that’s where I discovered my love for all things Bollywood, Fashion and Lifestyle.


MM: I later became the Channel Head for Digital Content at Channel [v] and continued my radio career. Eventually, it made a lot of sense to take all of my industry experience and access in Indian entertainment and put it online – I started my blog on a friend’s suggestion…I felt that there was a gap in how it was all being reported. No one was really offering a voice for today’s Indian youth.


MM: When I started the blog I honestly had no idea it would turn into a brand that I am so proud of today! Looking back I realize that every job I’ve had has equipped me with the tools that I needed to become a one-woman entertainment blogger when I first started out – from discovering my inner geek to cultivating the skills that you need to create engaging multi-media content for a blog.


MM: Time. There just isn’t enough time in my day to do all the things I want to do! Luckily we have amassed the most amazing team who are the heart and soul of this business.

Predictions for ePublishing space in India:

MM: You’ll see many more “mobile-first” or exclusively mobile e-publishers get into the market. I think content will become more immersive and customized to the reader, with advances in Virtual Reality technology and device processing power.

And here, watch MissMalini speaking how to become a social media jedi in 6 steps!

Hers is a dream story and we are totally inspired with it. We wish you beyond #ToTheMoon MissMalini!

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