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  • She Says

Jayati Godhawat

JWB Blogger

Asin And Rahul’s Wedding: Most Admirable Secret Now Out

  • JWB Post
  •  January 25, 2016


My Facebook is flooded with the wedding pics and details of the gorgeous Asin Thottumkal and the Micromax co-founder Rahul Sharma. Every minute detail of their wedding menu, reception, venues, wedding card, designer wears, etc. has been in headlines for quite some time now.

They had a twin wedding- A Christian wedding in the morning followed by a Hindu wedding ceremony in the evening. It sure was an expensive affair, being such a high profile wedding, with Bollywood celebs and top-notch businessmen attending it.

I was imagining the lavish wedding, the grandeur of the celebrations, and crores of money being spent to make it a larger than life event.

But there’s a twist.

A source revealed,

“What was kept under wraps was that the couple also sponsored celebrations in orphanages in Delhi and Kochi (on their wedding day). It included celebratory meals, clothes, gifts, and decorations for the kids. This was Asin’s idea.”

“Special cakes were cut at these orphanages in the afternoon to celebrate Rahul and Asin’s wedding.”, adds the source.

Cheers to the couple!

I sighed with relief. They may have had the extravagant twin weddings, however, this beautiful gesture of hosting celebrations in orphanages admirable and praiseworthy.

JWB has always denounced the concept of big fat weddings and has written about how you can make the wedding ceremony less of a Show-Shaa and more meaningful and purposeful.

What Asin and Rahul did will certainly serve as an example to the society and pave the way to greater deeds for the needy by other couples, celebs and commoners alike.

And now, to treat your eyes, warm your heart and envy Mrs. Asin, here’s the first tweet of Rahul.


Going awwwwww, right?

Me too! *winks*

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