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Jayati Godhawat

JWB Blogger

BREW-Women Jaipur: Brewing Women Businesses Into Success Stories

  • JWB Post
  •  March 5, 2016


Unicorn Hunt 2016, an initiative by BREW & Dreamwallets, is a business plan competition that focusses on developing and sourcing the unique and feasible business ideas. BREW, Business Rankers Erudite Wing, also launched BREW Women at this event.JWB attended the to know more about the Hunt and BREW Women.BREW-Women Jaipur

Neeraj Pawan, an IAS officer, introduced the Unicorn Hunt initiative. He stated how important it is to invest in those out of the box ideas that are present at all levels in our country. He said,

“We are the country with the maximum youth population in the world. And so, there’s so much talent that can be tapped that shall ensure our nation’s growth. Through Unicorn Hunt, we all are aiming towards keeping the spirits of the young generation high. Young people have the zeal to change the world for better. And, with this, we provide them with a platform where they can showcase their talent, innovation, and business ideas.”

He also talked how advancements and innovation in agricultural and food processing practices can become excellent business investment opportunities.

After Mr. Neeraj, Mr. Mahavir Sharma informed the audience on Startups and Angel Investment. He stated,

“Fifteen years back, the concept of Entrepreneurship was introduced to the world. Entrepreneurship involved entrepreneurs engaging in innovative and profitable business with calculated risk. Today’s trending term is Startups. Startups are those business ideas that require low capital and human resource investment and can scale-up immensely. And, only such ideas are qualified for investments by the Angel Investors. BREW is working towards bringing into light such scalable projects of students, and other people.”

Remember Deepa Mathur? A Mentor at the Global Mentoring Walk Jaipur 2016. Well, we got to know that she is one of the founder members of the BREW-Women.

So cool, right?

Well, she launched BREW-Women at the event and explained its vision.

It is rightly said, a woman is a full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture, and transform. I would like to express my gratitude to Business Rankers Magazine, especially Mr. Moolchand Chahar, for initiating the BREW-Women.

BREW-Women will work in various domains. Firstly, it shall facilitate to the need and guidance of the women who are already running businesses. Secondly, it will analyze business ideas and projects of aspiring business women. Also, it will provide assistance to the women who have the vision but lack directions.”

She added,

“If we, the women, can nurture the men, then we can nurture ourselves too. It is true that 80% of India lies in Rural Area of the country. And, efforts of BREW-Women are dedicated to the upliftment of rural women and the improvement of their quality of life.”

BREW-Women shall operate at two levels, Rural, and Urban. It shall conduct various programs, seminars, round table conferences, workshops, etc. to achieve its objectives. BREW-Women offers efficient solutions in supply chain management, use of the right technology, enlisting the licensing and registration requirements for the business, the arrangement of finances, etc. For services industry, it advises on the use of social and traditional media, other brand activation programs.

Well, it’s heartwarming to see that so many people are coming together to empower women.The womanhood shall flourish and attain the highest pinnacle of success.

Photo Courtesy: Deepa Mathur

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