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Miss Fatasstic

Miss Fatasstic Vows To #CutTheShameNotFat: ‘Fat’ is Not A Bad Word

  • JWB Post
  •  February 20, 2016


And, I am back. The night of my Valentine date, I couldn’t sleep properly. My mind was constantly replaying that episode. I felt the negativity gripping me.

I would like to make a confession here. I have been a depressing self-loathing chick for too long before realizing that it’s worthless and in no way helping me emotionally or physically. I decided then to be awesome instead. *Barney wink* and became the Fatasstic chick.

So that sleepless night, I realized what the core problem is. ‘Fat’ is just a word that means containing flabby tissues or flesh. But the humans have made this word an abusive, cursing one. The society uses the word ‘Fat’ to show their disapproval of the physical form of people.

#CutTheShameNotFat is my attempt to remove the antipathy and distaste for the word ‘Fat’ to feel good about your body and be confident about yourself.

Yes I am ‘Bulky’,

My weight is crossing eighty,

My thighs have no gap,

Oh yes, I am fat.

My butt is too big,

Layers of cellulite are thick.

My hands are too heavy,

Shoulders broad and hefty.

I am a girl with lots of curves,

I have a lot of flesh reserves.


Loving the body doesn’t come easy,

With people’s comments, so sleazy.

I too have been a victim,

Hating my body due to perpetual criticism.

I have been thin and fat,

Fat and thin,

Thin and fat,

The cycles go endless, and it’s bad.

People taunt,

And some just gaze,

Disgusted at my body frame.


But I’ll tell you a secret now,

Accept your body anyhow.

Ignore the people and their trashy glares,

Don’t hear their nonsensical blares.

Love your body,

Love your form,

And junk those societal norms.

We have fat,

We are not fat,

And it’s not bad.

So, stop the body shame,

Stop finding faults

Oh please, stop this blame game.

Let’s take a pledge now,

Swear to it and take a vow,

When people call us with any synonyms of fat,

We’ll take it as a compliment and thank,

Let’s remove the word’s negativity,

For it’s the first step to body positivity.

#Fatasstic Tip 3:

Repeat to yourself every day, that Fat is just an adjective, and definitely not a negative one. Don’t ever let yourself be ashamed of it.

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