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Jayati Godhawat

JWB Blogger

Read The Inspiring Story Of Jaipur’s Swati Souls, A Cinderella Turned Painter

  • JWB Post
  •  February 18, 2016


“People want to know my surname to identify my religion, creed, and caste. Well, it’s Souls. My caste and religion are Souls. I am connected to every soul on the earth.”~~

Once upon a time,

 In a pink city,

There lived an innocent girl,

With her father, brother,

And a stepmother,

Obediently and quietly she succumbed to their wrath,

What she wanted was just peace and happiness.

Alas! The parents planned to get rid of her,

They blamed her manners and character,

But the poor girl couldn’t say anything,

Crying, she packed her bags and left the house

With fear and self-doubt within.

No one came to rescue her,

But just a noble man was her savior.

He kept her spirits high,

Till her tears ran dry.

She then gained new strength and searched her soul,

She found what her heart was yearning for,

She now paints, not the emotions of her,

But the lives and memories of so many others.

Meet Swati Souls, the pioneer of Biographic Painting. (Don’t know what that means? Read down and be amazed to find out!)

Swati Souls

When we (Sanchit and I) went to Swati’s place, little did we know about her life and this genre of paintings. We were welcomed in her flat that looked to me beautiful and cozy like that of Konkana Sen’s in Wake up Sid!

Swati Souls

We settled down to chat with some ginger tea, and Choco fills. Love them!  He-He! *teasing Sanchit*

Swati Souls

Me: Tell us about yourself, and how did you start painting?

Swati Souls

Swati: I am a painter. I started painting 3 years back. I have been staying alone since June 2013 after my parents – my dad, and stepmother – asked me to leave the house all of a sudden. They were pressurizing me to get married to unburden themselves of my responsibility. One day, when I came back from a friend’s birthday party, my dad said, “Your mother is away at her parental home, and I am also going for a few days, when I return, you should be gone.” I was stunned, I didn’t know the reason behind, I didn’t know what to do. Clueless, I packed my necessary stuff and called my friend, the only one who has supported me throughout.

Swati Souls

I am an MBA in HR. I had left my job just one month before this episode. So, I had little money and was on my own. My mind was out of focus and I couldn’t comprehend my situation, so, I took the next job that came my way. But, after a month or two into this HR job, I realized that I can’t carry on further. It wasn’t financially and mentally satisfying. Also, I didn’t feel content.

That’s when my friend motivated me to start afresh. He suggested me to explore my creative side instead since I had always been fond of painting and sketching.

Me: Wow, I’ll take some time to absorb all those details. How old were you when you left your parents’ home? Do you have siblings? What about your mother?

Swati Souls

Swati: I was 25 when I left home. I remember the date – June 11, 2013. My mother passed away when I was 15 years old. Yes, I have a younger brother. But we rarely talk.

Me: What was his reaction when you were leaving?

Swati: It’s not like I was physically tortured, but I was treated wickedly, and I was suffering. My brother understood my pain. So, when I was leaving, he told me that it’s for my good.

Me:  Haven’t your parents enquired about you since then? Sorry, I know I’m intruding a little too much.

Swati Souls

Swati: No, that’s okay. I am not ashamed to talk about it. They didn’t ask me about my whereabouts. In fact, the next day I left, they sent me the remaining things with my brother.

Swati Souls

It was after six months; I received their first call. It was formal and brief. Later, about four months back, they visited me. I still had some hope and thought they would appreciate me for how well I had managed everything and sustained on my own. All my hopes had been shattered yet again when they found faults in my work and my home. They taunted me for my small-sized bed, the tattered sofa, and called my art nuisance and worthless.

Me: What did you do then?

Swati: You know how human beings ache for appreciation and acceptance, especially from their closed ones, I did too. But, that moment I realized that nothing could change them and their thought-process. For them, what I was doing would have taken me nowhere.

“Iss zidd me kya rakha hai, chup-chap ghar wapas aajao.”


I wasn’t the one to step out. It was them who commanded me to leave. And, now when I have made peace, they want me to come back. I came upfront and boldly demanded the reason for kicking me out of the home. My father looked down and had nothing to say. Later, he accused me and my behavior for such the decision. We had an argument. He knew I wasn’t at fault.

Anyway, now I am happy, and that’s what matters.


Me: Tell us about your journey to becoming a professional painter.


Swati: When I started painting, I discussed with my friend about doing something that is inspiring and so innovative, that no one else has ever done. My friend, my Yoga Guru Shri RudraDasji and I after hours & days of brainstorming, came with the idea of Biographic Paintings. The first biographic Painting I made was of my yoga guru only.


Me: I haven’t ever heard of this form of painting. Please elaborate.

Biographic Painting of Swati’s Yoga Guru, Shri RudraDas Ji

Biographic Painting Of Horst Reinhardt of Germany

Swati: Most people haven’t. I am the only one doing this till now. In simple words, I paint a person’s life on canvas. To explain, every person has his past, present, and future. Every person possesses some dreams, likes, visions, etc. So, let’s say you want to get a Biographic Painting done of yourself. I will take your interview, ask you pre-listed questions about various things, study your likes, dislikes, favorite colors, favorite memories, your career, family life, future goals, and everything. Then, I’ll depict your life, its memories, and dreams for future on canvas.

Me: Oh My God! That’s sounds so beautiful!

Sanchit: Most people paint only their emotions, but you understand, empathize and paint the emotions of other people. That’s incredible.

Me: Yeah exactly, so how much time does it take to do one Biographic Painting?


Swati: I first have to understand the person. Then I draw a rough sketch and show it to the client. After much inclusions and discussions, it’s made. So, it takes around six months to complete one painting.

Me: So what are the other forms you expertise in?


Peacock-themed Paintings

Rajasthani Themed Wall-Art Paintings

Swati: I have also started wall art, theme-based or subject paintings, interior paintings, and paintings depicting different stories. I put up exhibitions time-to-time. I have done wall art for Pink Turban Backpackers’ Hostel. Then, I did wall paintings for all rooms and Reception of Hathroi Palace.


Me: That’s great Swati. What are your aspirations for future? And one advice to the independent souls like you.


Swati: I am in a triumphal and happy place. But yes, I want more people to get their lives painted to make them love their lives and selves.


And I would like to convey that appreciation and motivation are the two best gifts you can give to anyone. I told you my story so it can motivate other girls like me, to follow their dreams and live their life without fear.

That truly was inspiring. But there’s more to the Swati-tale. After much reluctance and swearing the secrecy of his identity, Swati’s Savior revealed why he stood by her and also has a powerful message to the youth.

“Many people questioned my intentions for helping her. They wanted to know my relationship with her. They wished to know the real reason for a helping hand. I’ll tell you the real reason. It’s not about her, and it’s not about me. It’s the belief system of the society that I want to transform. I didn’t do it out of the sympathy or any personal motive. I did it for the respect I have for her and what all of us should have for girls and their identities.

I did it to prove our society that a girl with strong head, bold life-changing decisions, and an independent life can have a successful career and a fulfilling life.

Like she said, I want people to get motivated by my actions, and help others to realize their dreams and true potential.”

Sanchit & Swati with the dreamcatchers lockets.

In my mind echoed, Gandhi’s words, “Be the change, you want to see in the world.”

If you want to know more about Biographic Paintings, wall art, interior paintings and her other works, contact Swati Souls through her website


Photo Courtesy


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