Thursday, June 09 2016, 05:16:19
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Remember The Shreya Ukil vs. Wipro Case? Guess Who Won!

  • JWB Post
  •  May 6, 2016


Remember Shreya Ukil, the former employee at Wipro Ltd, who’s lodged a lawsuit against her company?

She accused the software giant of sex discrimination, victimization, unequal pay, harassment and unfair dismissal and had claimed 1.2 million pounds in damages. 

Offended, the company fired her along with the man who harassed her.

Good news is, she has won the case.

Shreya said in a statement, “I hope that following this judgment, companies will again reconsider their treatment of female employees, ensuring they are treated fairly and equally. I hope that this verdict will encourage women everywhere at every level to raise their voices and be heard. It is undoubtedly a struggle and a very hard one but the only way to change this equation is by ensuring that it is brought to light. No organization or person is too big that they can get away with unethical and illegal behaviour. It was a fight for respect and equality and as hard as it has been, if I had to fight it again, I would, with all my heart.”

During the trial, she implicated few of senior Wipro executives who were found guilty of victimization, unfair dismissal, and sex discrimination.

The company said in a statement, “Wipro Limited is pleased the UK Employment Tribunal has upheld the dismissal of the complainant from the services of the organization as appropriate and rejected claims of adverse cultural attitude towards women in the organization. The company has built its business over the years by ensuring it adheres to the highest standards of integrity, fairness, and ethical corporate practices. Any transgression of these beliefs and policies will continue to be dealt with expeditiously and with the strictest action.”

All’s well that ends well.

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