This Mother’s Day, Jaipur’s Harpal Says ‘Cool Down Mommy’ To Wife Saguna
- JWB Post
- May 7, 2016
You all remember Saguna Wadhwa, the jolliest multi-tasking woman in Jaipur! All of us loved reading her story of how women can ‘have it all’ while making the most of their lives.
Saguna, like every mother on the Planet Earth, is an over-protective mother. She is a self-confessed finicky mommy who wouldn’t take any risk when it comes to her son Arjan.
However her husband, like every man on the Planet Earth, holds a different opinion. He wants his wifey not to freak out when he does some crazy stuff with Arjan. He wants her to relax. And to convey his sincere message, JWB has roped in this beautiful family for the Mother’s Day campaign #CoolDownMommy.
But to understand the mother’s heart, we first asked Saguna to recount her long list of ‘complaints.’
“I don’t care what they break when they play together. I don’t even worry about them wrecking Arjan’s timetable. What, I have fixed the time slots for his sleep and food!!! But when it comes to their ‘dangerous’ ideas of enjoyment, I skip a beat.
First, Harpal allows Arjan to sit on his lap while he’s driving. I mean, hello seatbelt! Also, I allow Arjan to eat sweets and junk food once a week; that’s on Saturday. This is how I am going to develop healthy eating habits in him. But thanks to Daddy Dearest, he eats junk almost every day.
Things become fun for them since we own a bakery. Also, Arjan sleeps at 7 pm sharp. But because Mr. Husband gets late at night sometimes, he feels it’s alright to extend Arjan’s play time.
Oh, don’t think I don’t let them play together. I always ask them to go to the nearby playgrounds and parks to enjoy their boys’ time. But five minutes and they vanish from the sight. The other day I caught them eating chocolate ice-creams outside the playing field. Dear Husband, do you do this every time?
Lastly, I really want to know what happens inside when both of you take a bath together. Seriously, two hours???? Where have the water conservation lessons gone?
Did you read her complaints in a loud voice? Well, such is the power of a Mommy.
Here’s what Harpal has to say in his defense:
“Dear Saguna, relax.
First of all, I get to bathe with our baby only twice a week. Lawyered.
Second, it was you who made Arjan habitual of sitting on the driver’s seat. Remember the other day when you took him out shopping, and while you’re returning, I happened to pass by you? I clearly remember that Arjan was sitting on your lap. Guilty?
Also, I think, he is close to me and very much safe when he sits on my lap in the car.
I know, I know, I often forget to stick Mosquito Patches on Arjan when I take him out in the evenings. But don’t worry Honey; I never let mosquitoes buzz around him. I am training him how to clap and slay ‘em.
When both of us reach home fully covered in mud, don’t go crazy. We can always wash and make Arjan and his clothes sparkling clean like how they show in the detergent ads. I have seen him giggle when he is rolling in the sticky mud.
I understand. A mother’s idea of being strong is not similar to that of dad’s. We believe in scratched elbows and knees. But trust me, I love Arjan. And more than him, You. I want you to relax and not throw away your energy thinking what we’re doing or eating. As his father, I vow to never ever harm him. But before that, I want to make sure, you are okay.
Awww, we hope Harpal’s super cute letter and smile helps Mom-zilla in Saguna cool down.
Over to you, Saguna.

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