Thursday, January 21 2016, 10:45:27

Komal Panwar


Video: These Delhi Women Mimic The Shoppers At Sarojini Nagar

  • JWB Post
  •  January 9, 2016


No matter how much we try to fight stereotypes, we get caught into them somehow. They are some cobweb that can be found in the corners of our mind homes. BECAUSE WE NEVER CLEAN THOSE HIDDEN RIDGES!

The women shopping at Sarojini Nagar in Dilli come with different pieces of baggage, and I don’t mean literally. They are all different from one another yet similar in so many ways.

Here’s a video that’ll give you your “chuckles” for the day by some khurafaati Delhi women.

Now, due to the ever persisting “Fuckall” war between Delhi and Mumbai, expect some kattar Dilli bashing on Bombay.

Have a look, here:

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