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Avantika Singhal

Teen JWB Curator/Blogger

Artist Muskaan Kumbhat Tells Us How Her ‘Moti Rotis’ Inspired Her Upcoming Exhibition

  • JWB Post
  •  January 5, 2017


Courage is not the absence of fear. Instead, it constitutes of important moments wherein it is admissible to gather your thoughts and take action wisely.

I met with Muskaan Kumbhat who completed her schooling from MGD in 2015. To say that she is a nascent artist would be an understatement because she is so much more. She is ambitious and resolute. She recently completed a Marketing and Communications course from London and will also be pursuing a makeup course in Singapore in some time.

Muskaan is hosting an Art Exhibition on 8th January. The exhibition entitled ‘The Legend Of Stree’ depicts scenarios that are not talked about enough in our society. Her paintings reflect women’s issues and how they are not receiving enough scrutiny by the people.

What sets you apart from other artists?

My mission is to leave even the smallest impression on people after they see my work. I just want to leave behind something that reminds people of who I was and what contributions I made to this society and beyond.

Have you sought any professional guidance for enhancing your Art or do you do it yourself?

I have sought training from some renowned artists such as Manas Kamal Biswas, Chanchal Mukherjee, and Sunanda Sanyal. I have been invested in the art from a long time, and I have been working to get where I am today.

What inspires you to paint?

The most mundane things seem to inspire me. And, what motivates me the most is that art could become an indomitable medium to put one’s thoughts out there. Art gives you the freedom to bend things, to annihilate stereotypes.

“You glow through what you go through.”

If you have a blank canvas and we ask you to draw something that defines who you are as a person, what would you draw?

I have always been a problem child. Hence, a lot of chaos on the paper will rightfully define me. Imagine a multitude of colors running down wildly on the paper. That’s me. I am a unique mishmash of every trait that is out there.

How do you prep before starting a project?

I don’t prep at all! I am a very last minute person. An approaching deadline excites me more than anything. Although, I work during the night. Also, the world may judge me for this, but before starting my work, I blast Honey Singh songs and dance around to them. They are very invigorating.

We have already cast everything aside to go to your exhibition but give us some more reasons that will make us want to come?

‘The Legend of Stree’ will attempt to showcase the story of a common woman. But it all comes with a sharp twist. One of my paintings shows a little girl who is chopping her hair off because she desires to look like a boy. Also, my art is not disturbing to look at. It will force you to think and reflect on certain aspects of a female life that you never thought about earlier. Further, my art is subtle, and it just wants to tell you how rigid our society is concerning gender. Another thing is that my paintings are not very direct, they are open to the viewer’s interpretation.

Do you think that artists are still ridiculed for the work they do?

There are some people who look down at artists for what they are doing. When people choose art as a career, they may be mocked for it. They think that art is very easy. What I believe is that I may had worked very vigorously on academic subjects in school, but none of that compares to the hard work and time that art demands.

Do you label yourself as a feminist? If so, what are your beliefs?

Yes. I believe n gender equality!

“Feminism does not mean hating men. It’s all about equality and it is high time the society realizes this. People are surprised when I show interest in cars and bikes. I also like playing video games, and for some reason, that shocks people. I don’t know why.”

If given the chance, whose live portrait would you do and why?

My parents. In my head, they are sitting in royal regalia and giving dramatic poses. I think my whole family is generally very dramatic, so this portrait would only reinforce that fact. It would be a life-sized portrait in a room full of white walls and white chiffon curtains.

What is your strength and weakness as an artist?

My strength believes that this is what I do best and that the skill comes to me naturally. Also, training with professional artists and interacting with artists from different cultures back when I was studying has managed to give me a broader perspective on trying new things. I also refrain from sticking to one style of painting. So that’s one of the strengths.

My weakness is being very insecure about my artistic creations. And, I constantly seek appreciation for my work. But I feel that these weaknesses are very common to any creative person. Another weakness is that I am very insincere and moody.

“Leaving things midway is not how things should be done. But I feel that this habit evaporates as one becomes older.”

 Best compliment and harsh criticism that you have received for your work?

Someone once said that my work made them feel something. I guess it was something good. I read somewhere that art is not supposed to look pretty, it is supposed to make you feel something.

If we talk about criticism, I receive a fair amount of it from my parents. My family is very straightforward and honest when it comes to my work. If they tell me that my work is not impressive, I do get a little angry and upset. But in the long run, I know that criticism is the key to a major improvement.

My family consists of eighteen CA’s. And it is a good thing they are not from an artistic background because that allows me to get a general perspective on my paintings.

“My parents have never pressurized me to become anything, let alone a CA. They have been with me when I was on cloud nine to the time when I was crying myself to sleep because I was unable to make decisions.”

What is the best thing about having supportive parents?

They never constructed walls of restriction around me. They let me make mistakes and learn from them. As parents, they have all the reasons to be panicky and worried, but they have never instructed me about anything. They know that I should learn from my own experiences and not repeat my mistakes.

“Failure is bound to happen. And, no matter how hard you try to avoid it, it’s going to catch up with you sooner or later. So the sooner you accept it, the better.”

What is that one habit that you think every artist should have?

Every artist should be sincere and consistent with their work. Also, if you are an artist, be vigilant and observant of your surroundings. And, an artist should be open-minded. That helps you to get inspired.

“My opinions are heretical sometimes. For instance, I think red is a very gloomy color. It reeks of violence and fury.”

Drifting off the topic is almost necessary for girls. Therefore, Muskaan and I started talking about cooking. What flabbergasted me the most is that she can cook desserts like halwa and strawberry cheesecake adeptly. Muskaan claims to be very ‘Sanskaari’ and vows to have been preparing for marriage since she was ten. However, she feels apologetic for her Rotis not being thin enough.

Well, I knew there was something.

While happily succumbing to the power of the paint brush, Muskaan is also teaching at Udayan Care Home and using her camera to its fullest potential. She is synthesized of many talents, various ambitions, and admirable traits as a person.

Here is a glimpse from her upcoming exhibition:

So, are you visiting?

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