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  • She Says

Jayati Godhawat

IWB Blogger

This Couple Has Been Going On Dates For 26 Yrs & Still Counting

  • IWB Post
  •  February 9, 2017


#ThrowbackStory: This couple from Jaipur recently completed their 26 years of marriage and they shared with Indian Women Blog their oh-so-romantic habit which has remained a ritual for all these years. (And we hope that it remains the same forever!)

Can we get some Suraj hua madham sort music, please?

Mmmm..  Forget it!

Meet Neelam, and Sanjay Ajmera, who go on dinner dates once a week.

So, in our hunt for couples who do cute little things together, we crashed Neelam and Sanjay’s dinner date. They were enjoying their cocktail and snacks when we interrupted them. Quickly, we explained that it was their daughter Dia’s idea that we did it.

Glad, they were not angry. He-he!

Aww, the winter night, screwdrivers in hand, and love in their eyes, they looked so in love with each other!

The way he is looking at her… Beautiful isn’t it?

You’ll too wish your love life to be like them after reading their fairytale story. Go on, read it!

Once upon a time, in a desert city painted in pink (Jaipur), the mother of a handsome son Sanjay, saw a beautiful girl named Neelam at a party and wished she could be her child’s bride. But her son was in a faraway land of massages and beaches (Bangkok), handling their business, and the girl lived in a different city famous for sweets and its sarees (Kolkata). After many efforts, Sanjay’s mother arranged for them to meet; and it was then that the magic happened. The moment they met, their eyes met, the sparks ignited, the violin in the background played, the world around stopped for a moment, and they knew they were made for each other.

Then they got married and happily lived ever after.

Ha-ha! No that’s not what happened. Let’s rephrase the last line.

They got married, and what followed was a series of more fairytale moments.

Here’s our conversation about such a fairytale moments and more.

Me: Sanjay was in Bangkok, and you lived in Kolkata, so what was your courtship like?

Neelam: We met on 8th October and got married on 25th December. So, our courtship period was a very brief one. But once, he planned and flew Kolkata to surprise me when my family was away in Jaipur. He called me from the airport and said I was in Kolkata. That was incredible. But also, that was the only surprise he gave me. He doesn’t believe in surprises.

Sanjay: interrupts, but in those times, there were no mobiles, only trunk calls and the ten times expensive lightning calls. I would book all the slots for both and talk hours on the phone with her. Sometimes, when we were disconnecting the call, the operator/ mediator, would say in between that keep talking. They would enjoy our discussions. It was a lovely time. *smiles*

Aww, so cute yaa…!

Me: Tell us your secret of date nights, please.

Neelam: From the early days of our marriage, every Sunday we went to dinners or movies, just both of us. And, we still continue with this. Saturdays are kids’ day and Sunday night is reserved only for both of us. We go to candlelight dinners or watch some movie, or just go for some drinks and snacks.

Sanjay: Sometimes, if we have other commitments for Sunday, we go on a weekday. But we ensure that our date nights happen at least once a week.

For all the boys, Learn from Sanjay and note all these points. Pretty please?

Me: What other little things you do together?

Neelam: We work out together, and go for a walk in the Central Park together. I used to help him with his work too, but now I am helping my daughter, Dia with her start-up business.

Me: Do you fight? Is there any one thing that you would want to change in your partner?

Neelam: No, he’s perfect. He is a good son, a good father, and a good husband. I couldn’t have asked for more.

Sanjay thought for a while before replying, and we saw Neelam nudging him and said, Kya soch rahe ho itna? My faults?”


Sanjay: *looking at her*, No. I wasn’t thinking of your faults as you have none. *looks at me* She is perfect. She is a very caring wife. Also, she cooks amazing food, especially, Thai.

Hmm, we noticed the satisfaction on Neelam’s face. *winks*

Neelam: But, I think he would want me to talk less I suppose. He always says that I am too talkative. *laughs*. The little arguments or fights that happen are all because of our kids and their late night parties. But, we get back to normal in 10 minutes.

Me: Wow! We can see that your dinner has been served, so just last question. What is your Relationship Mantra? And one thing, that’s better in Arrange marriage than in Love Marriage?

Sanjay: Arrange marriage has freshness and adventures. *laughs* In love marriages, couples already know each other for many years before the wedding.

Neelam: And for the mantra, I believe to have a good and healthy relationship, one must forget and forgive. Couples should not hold grudges from the past arguments or fights. Like Raat gyi baat gayi.

#Cupid Wishes:

Forget your worries, put on your dancing shoes, get dressed, hold your partner’s  hand, wear an infectious smile and go on, celebrate the journey of life together, for the present is the only time.

Photo Courtesy

(This article was first published on February 12, 2016)

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