Why You Should Read This Bollywood Actress’ Insta Post About ‘Free The Nipple’, Breasts & Bra
- JWB Post
- June 29, 2016
Model and Actor Saloni Chopra posted something about bra on her Instagram page three days ago and it literally blew our minds.
Using the hashtag #FreeTheNipple and holding her bra in her hands, she had a message to share.
Somewhere in between the text, she wrote, “I honestly don’t see what the problem with lingerie is? I wear it. Yes. Am I suppose to act like I’m NOT wearing it by hiding it completely? It’s a piece of clothing that covers my breasts.”
Interesting, eh?
Read her complete post here:
“Life is like a Bra…” And women need to be more open about their sexuality. Whichever absurd person decided that it would be okay for a man to roam around shirtless, in his boxers, but girls can’t even be seen in a Bra – surely did a hell lot of damage to our society. Did you know there are still people who have a problem with a girls Bra Strap showing?! The strap?!?!?! People that don’t like it when the shape of your bra is visible from the top you’re wearing. I’ve been around a few such diseased people. And you can’t tell that they’re affected by this narrow minded disease when you first meet them. They look normal. They make you feel wonderful at the start. They’re the ones that follow bold models on Instagram & keep porn on their phones. They come across as extremely open minded. They’ll talk to you about feminism and global warming. And trust me, it’s usually that “Bra Strap” that arouses them in the first place – and then BAM! You’re being told its “just for them to see”. You should dress more “appropriately” in public. If you meet these diseased people, you could A. Send them to a Doctor, or B. Ask them to go fuck themselves. I honestly don’t see what the problem with lingerie is? I wear it. Yes. Am I suppose to act like I’m NOT wearing it by hiding it completely? It’s a piece of clothing that covers my breasts. Just like a skirt covers my legs. Or sleeves cover my shoulders. What’s the big damn deal? The term breasts? Is it a girls Boobs that make this world uncomfortable? Are men THAT weak? I mean trust me, it’s not like our boobs are holy or sacred. They’re just…. A part of the body. Stop asking women to feel uncomfortable about it. Our breasts are not our “respect and dignity”. Men flaunt their chests, while girls won’t even hold a Bra in their hand publicly. Well… I will. Because I’m not ashamed of it. I have nothing to hide. Lingerie is not something that needs to be hidden. In fact, it’s quite pretty, isn’t it? I’m tired of women themselves constantly feeling like they’ve to be ashamed of everything. Pads. Tampons. Lingerie. Our body. Our desires. Sex. Let’s put an end to that. Free the god damn mind. #FreeTheNipple @freethenipple
With an Amen, let us repeat what she said in the end, “Pads. Tampons. Lingerie. Our body. Our desires. Sex. Let’s put an end to that. Free the god damn mind. #FreeTheNipple.”
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