Monday, July 18 2016, 01:37:34
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  • She Says

Drishti Bodhraj Premprakashi

JWB Intern

A B.A. In Classical Music, Gold Medalist In Olympiads At Just The Age Of 14?!

  • JWB Post
  •  July 9, 2016


Getting to her house wasn’t a hard task. We entered the gates and were greeted by her mother, Mrs. Vandana Datwani. She took us upstairs where we met with the child prodigy, Heeral, who also happens to be the protagonist of this post. When I saw her, all I could think was, ‘OMG she is so cute!’ She was a little awkward at first but opened up pretty soon.

‘Where should we sit?’ she asked.

‘Near that yellow wall, I like the colour!’ I replied.

Tell me about you girlie!

My name is Heeral; I’m 14 years old, and I study at IIS. I like to study science, and I think that I’ll take it up as a subject in the future. And, I like Big Bang Theory.

Okay, she likes The Big Bang Theory. I already like her.

Heeral is currently a ninth grader who enjoys studying biology and wants to do something for world peace.

Hmm, do I see a budding UN representative?

“I think it all started when we made her the light monitor,” said her mother.

What’s a light monitor?

Her father and I would ask her to make sure that all the lights and fans were switched off when not in use. We did the same for her younger sister by making her the water monitor.” *laughs*

According to her mother, this is how Heeral thought of starting an eco-friendly club with her school friends, for which, she was awarded by the school. She also won 1 lakh rupees at the CID Veerta Awards for the same.

This literally reminded me of the Jonas Brothers’ song called Kids of The Future.

“When I changed schools from NMS to IIS, I lost contact with all those friends.”

Hold up, did you just say NMS? I like her even more now! Well, the reason is, I happen to be an NMS graduate so… Yeah. Anyway, Heeral’s mom brought out her certificates and medals, and I swear my mouth was hanging open. It filled up a whole table. There were trophies, medals and a 4 cm thick folder filled with certificates.

“I’ve always noticed this spark in her. She finishes everything she sets her mind to. This one time, I came back from work, and I noticed that all her books were sprawled open on the dining table. When I saw her diary, she had her homework written on it, and she kept ticking all the homework she was finishing. And I thought, how is my daughter so organised?!”

Heeral has taken part in a LOT of Olympiads. Last year, she won the National Cyber Olympiad and scored the 3rd rank in her International English Olympiad and the NSTSE exam for which she received a gold medal each. She also won the all-rounder award from her school last year which is very hard to get as only two students are selected out of 600 students.

Heeral also took part in many school debates and plays and clearly remembers this one incident where she was cast as a flower in the school’s re-enactment of Alice in Wonderland. Little did she know, her inner drama queen had led her to be cast as Alice. Well, that escalated quickly.

Heeral has also won many other national level competitions including a competition conducted by Dainik Bhaskar. When her mom went to collect her awards, she realised that trunk of her car was so full of those prizes, there was no space left to put in the rest.

Do you like sports?

Nope. I only enjoy playing badminton.

Same girl, same.

Heeral’s approachable personality helps her make friends wherever she goes.

While going through her certificates, I also noticed a certificate she had received for her school’s MUN.

How was your first experience with MUNning?

I enjoyed it a lot. I was a part of DISEC as the delegate of Syria. I also won the verbal mention. I’m taking part in your school’s MUN this year. *gives a toothy grin*

Do you look forward to the Delegate dance and dinner? Most importantly, are you a party animal?

Of course, I am a party animal. Who isn’t? *Pfft!* I am also a foodie.

*Looks at slim and fit Heeral* your body, says otherwise.

It’s because of the scientific fact that if you eat six meals a day, you will not get fat.

How are you even real?

Let’s move a little away from educational stuff. What’s your favourite show?

*Giggles* Ashoka

And English Show?


OMG! Be my best F.R.I.E.N.D. Get it? No? Okay.

And your favourite movie?

I have seen Om Shanti Om many times. I love Deepika!

Well then, you should watch Bajirao Mastani. You will love her even more.

What do you like to do in your free time?

Play! When I get time, I go to the park or play games on my tab.

One of your certificates was for a classical music workshop. Do you like classical music?

I’m pursuing a BA in classical music.

What? How? When? *Fakes fainting*
To add more to this little bundle of joy, she also goes to attend Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism meetings with her family. That’s how she knows our blogger-in-chief, Lavanya. If that’s how chirpy and high-on-life Buddhism makes you, then sign me up!

Okay, so this is the last thing I am asking of you, Heeral. Can you sing a song for us?

*ponders over the thought*

Her mother immediately starts telling her to sing Raag Yaman.

sada shiv bhaj mana

sada shiv bhaj mana


I cannot remember the rest. *Nervous laughter*

Heeral, girlie, I have absolutely no words for you. But, I know for sure that your energy and chirpiness will take you places. As for us meeting again, I will see you at this year’s NMMUN.

Until then, annyeong!

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