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  • She Says

Lavanya Bahuguna


Are You Ready For Our No-Filter Talk With These Two Quirky Gay Men?

  • IWB Post
  •  January 27, 2017


“I could give up flirting with other men but I am not a quitter.”

It was during JLf’17 and while hanging out with my Gay-bff, Shashank, that I came up with the idea of hosting a rapid fire round with gay men. And that’s how I met the very fashionable quadragenarian Subhashish Mandal.

Scroll down to scandalize yourself *wink*

Favorite body part?

Subhashish: My back because it has a lovely tattoo carved on it.

Shashank: My nipples.

Prints or monotone?

In chorus: Prints, any day.

What’s the most irresistible thing you find in your date?

Subhashish: Humor.

Subhashish and Shashank

Shashank: Eyes.


Subhashish: Bad breath.

Shashank: Liars.

Message for Homophobic?

Subhashish: Get a life.

Shashank: Get over yourself AND your pettiness.

And, message for those who are yet to come out of the closet?

Subhashish: Embrace who you are. If you don’t have the courage to come out to your parents or friends, at least, gather the courage to come out to yourself.

Shashank: Carry yourself well. Don’t try to be someone else and fuck it.

How old were you when you lost your virginity?

Subhashish: I was in grade 9.

Shashank: For me, it was 2002.

Subhashish: I’m sure you remember the date and time, as well.

Shashank: No.

*Subhashish rolls eyes*

Shashank: It was August of 2002. I was in Pune, and it was drizzling outside. Very romantic.

What do you prefer wearing on a date night?

Subhashish: It depends on what the agenda is.

Shashank: I mostly invite my dates at home, so, nothing.

Subhashish: Well, that makes things easier and quicker.


How do you make the first move?

Subhashish: Oh, I am bad at it.

Shashank: I wait for his move.

Till what extent can you go to woo your crush?       

Subhashish: I traveled to a new country assuming this guy likes me, too. Psst, I still wear my heart on my sleeves.

One night stand or a romantic phone talk?

Subhashish: Obviously, a one night stand.

Do you like size-zero guys?

Subhashish: Lean men are a no-no.

Shashank: I mean, look at us!

Sent nudes to anyone?

Subhashish: All. The. Time.

What do you want to steal from your friend’s wardrobe?

Subhashish: Shoes from Anupam Poddar.

Shashank: Subhashish’s rings.

Cuddle or a quickie?

In chorus: Quickie.

Strangest place you’ve done it in?

Subhashish: Beach, elevator, market and changing rooms.

Shashank: Suicide point, under a bridge, haunted house, in front of his house.

Subhashish: What??

Cheapest buy, considering gay men are incredibly stylish.

Subhashish: A pair of pyjamas in Rs. 50.

Shashank: A scarf in Rs. 50. *high-five*

Most romantic moment?

Subhashish: In London, sitting by the riverside and watching the city’s hush-hush silently.

Shashank: I was visiting Jaipur for the first time with my date a few years ago. We decided to exchange kisses everytime we see a monument.

Favorite position?

Shashank: We’re gay, we bend both ways. Duh.

Photo courtesy:

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