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  • She Says

Komal Panwar

Blogger & Singer

IWB Bloggers React To Singer Mariah Carey’s Absurd Workout Look

  • IWB Post
  •  February 6, 2017


I just stumbled upon Mariah Carey’s new ‘Gym look’, and I’m not quite sure how I feel about it. I mean, kudos to her for putting this on, though, the appearance got me thinking.

If we at IWB were to don this attire, would we be able to carry it at all? So I asked the girls about their workout routines and tried to see if Mariah Carey’s gym-bag would fit in somewhere.

Climb every mountain 👊🏾😘 @gunnarfitness

A photo posted by Mariah Carey (@mariahcarey) on


Even at parties, you’ll rarely see this one in heels. “I find it really difficult to carry them.” Workouts are the last place for her to try on heels.

How can you run the treadmill in heels? You’ll either fall down or go head-over-heels, literally.

While the new style is laudable, I wonder if Mariah knows the kind of back pain her sports-heels can cause her.

Image result for falling off treadmill gif


I’ll be honest, I’ve always fancied dressing up in sexy fishnets, and heck, I’d wear them, too. But, for my daily Yoga, it’s a big no-no. Imagine doing Surya Namaskar in fishnets. I’m pretty sure I’ll bruise my legs, and the fishnets will never stay in place.

Image result for surya namaskar gif funny


With all that kickboxing, it would be great to smash someone’s face with those heels, but Jayati prefers her sneakers. She also would rather not have her cleavage on display because, hello creeps.

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I wonder if Lady Boss Ana would like to rock the leotard look. Well, only if it doesn’t stick to her butt-cheeks and also, ahem, creeps 2.0.

Image result for creepy smile gif


Dear Mariah, good luck working out in those sports-heels!

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