Saturday, August 13 2016, 04:11:43
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  • She Says

Komal Panwar


JWB Caught This Jaipur Saas-Bahu Duo Googling ‘In-Law Love’ This Teej

  • JWB Post
  •  August 5, 2016


Colorful bangles, shiny bindis, and beautiful faces that fast until the moon comes out, are some of the common features that set the Indian woman apart from every other.

Let me start with this, HAPPY TEEJ, world! This Teej JWB dedicated itself to exploring the relationship of a mother-in-law, her daughter-in-law and daughter. Tricky business, you may call it.

You might even think that I walked myself into a volcanic eruption. And, that’s why I wanted to change your perception! Sanchit and I visited Kirti’s house where her mother and sister-in-law waited.

Their beagle Oreo barked from a distance and wagged his tail later when we were offered kachoris. Food is the most important thing in the world, isn’t it?

Oreo, you’re a sweetheart. I would’ve fed cupcakes to you, too, if I had any! Your puppy eyes were my favorite. Oreo was half under the table, and his legs were hanging out. I think he was trying to hide.

Kirti, her bhabhi Natasha, her mother, and Natasha’s seven-month-old assembled and carefully watched as I drew out lac bangles that I’d gotten from . We decided to pick out the two ‘o’s from Google, which are quite like bangles, and asked the ladies to pick out a pair of their choice!

Natasha’s daughter was stunned seeing shiny objects and wanted to play with them!

Kirti picked the gorgeous orange bangles, and before Googling them, she used them as goggles.


The trio had to search the answers to the questions I would ask them, on Google. And stare at them through the traditional goggles or lac bangles.


My first question was for first-time mother Natasha, well yeah, her daughter was keeping her pretty busy.

Dear Google,

Please answer our first question. Natasha punched the first question on her phone: “How to make your mother-in-law happy?”

The trio giggled a little and searched for the answers. Natasha had picked Apsara’s pink, shiny pair of bangles. She put them on and read what Google said.

Here’s what Google suggested:

Get her some gifts, joke around with her, share your feelings, get interactive, comfortable with her.

Natasha: Well, this list is pretty apt, since I do most of these things with my mother-in-law. For example, yes, we’re very comfortable with one another, we share a great bond. The best thing about my mother-in-law is that she doesn’t get angry when I make mistakes. She’s very patient and wise.

Natasha’s mother-in-law stared at her in admiration as Natasha continued to praise her mother-in-law. It was her turn, next. We asked Google the next question.

Dear Google,

Please answer our second question! “How to treat your daughter-in-law like your daughter?”

She put on her colorful-Apsara-bangle-goggles. I wasn’t surprised when Google didn’t give many positive results. The top three results were:

“14 things your daughter-in-law wants to tell you.”

“How to deal with a difficult daughter-in-law.”

“9 arguments you should never have with your daughter-in-law.”

Oops. I was expecting an awkward silence, but the cool trio laughed it off. Kirti added, “Oh, come on, Google! You’re better than that!”

We finally find some good ‘tips’ and went on to discuss them: Some of them were:

DO be warm and welcoming to your daughter-in-law. “She’s as nervous about getting along with you as you may be about her.”

DON’T be difficult, critical or complain to your son about his wife.

DO tell your son what you like about his choice of a wife and her role as mother to your grandchildren.

DON’T panic if you don’t get along right away. “Allow some time for the two of you to get to know each other. If you live at a distance, write or email both your son and his wife.”

Hmm, interesting tips.

Kirti’s mother: I agree 100%. Whatever misunderstandings we have, we always talk them through. Imagine how would it be if I bitched about my daughter-in-law to our relatives; it would lead to immense tabaahi!

Kirti and Natasha laughed, Natasha’s daughter giggled, too. I wonder if she understood what was going on! Natasha put her daughter on the ground, and she hugged Oreo. Can I get some “awwws”?

I asked my third question that I’d prepared for Kirti.

Dear Google,

Please answer our third question. “How can you maintain a good relationship with your sister-in-law?”

We stared at the Google search through our Apsara lac bangle goggles. The Google search results showed “How to handle your sister-in-law?” Um, okay. I asked Kirti some of the things she did to maintain her bond with her bhabhi.

I even teased Kirti, and asked her if she ever felt jealous due to the divided love! I know, I’m going to die in hell.

Kirti: It never happened, maybe because we’re the same age group, we share common hobbies, we BOTH love spicy food and more. Both of us love travelling, so you know, food and travelling are the two necessities of life! What else do we need!

At the end of the campaign, we realized how wrong the saas-bahu stereotypes were! Love comes straight from the heart and has nothing to do with a relationship that binds two people.

Natasha’s family agrees, do you?

By the way, if you’re already drooling over Apsara Bangles, you can buy them , or you can visit them at their shop in Maniharon ka rasta, Modikhana, Jaipur, Also, for those of you who don’t live in Jaipur, they will soon be up for sale on Myntra eBay and other e-commerce websites.



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