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  • She Says

Jayati Godhawat

JWB Blogger

JWB Chats With The Women Painters At Sankalan-2

  • JWB Post
  •  January 7, 2016


Everyone in the city must have visited and read about Sankalan-2, the three-day painting exhibition held at Jawahar Kala Kendra.

So, JWB decided to get our readers’ a sneak-peek into the personal lives of the female painters there.

First we met Mrs. Aruna Sharma, the chirpy one from Amritsar. She briefed us about her showcased paintings, depicting Lord Vitthal Ji, one of the many avatars of Lord Krishna.

Me: We can see that you have used only bright colors. Does this reflect your personality?

Aruna: *with a childlike smile* I love vibrant colors. I don’t like to use dull tones. For me, bright colors display the positive attitude I have towards life.

Me: What other subjects do you like to paint?

Aruna: I mostly paint a woman. Sometimes, a woman in the Ajanta caves, tribal woman or a woman from the different era altogether.

She shows in her mobile a painting of contemporary Mahishasura Mardini depicting her killing the evil of social taboos.

Wow, I just went speechless for a minute trying to understand all the minute details.

She also told us that painting is her hobby, and she is a teacher by profession. And, she has won one international and two national awards in her art.

Me: How will you paint yourself, if you decide to do it someday?

Aruna: I will draw myself in vivid colors as a playful dancing girl because that’s what I am in real life.

We saw these beautiful landscape paintings by Mrs. Bhuvaneshwari Rajoria. We started chatting, and she was the shy one from Bikaner.

She acknowledged that her tauji (uncle) was her inspiration for taking this field as a career. She has been painting since childhood days. And both her families have been supporting her in it.
Me: What do you like to paint and what is your style?

Bhuvaneshwari: I particularly do landscape paintings in acrylic and watercolors. I am more of a nature person – the trees, the flowers are my favorite subjects, and I mostly paint semi-abstractions of them.

After much grilling, she laughingly confessed that for a self-portrait she would want another expert painter to sketch her as a Princess.

As we were talking, many other artists joined in and started explaining me about the technicalities and genres of painting.

The child ‘Me’ was perplexed with all this attention and kept nodding to hide my oblivion.

I excused myself to a less crowded corner to converse with Ms. Kamana Mathur, the emotional one from Jaipur.

Sensing my curiosity, she explained that her paintings were on Eyeball Theme. She has been researching on it for 5-6 years and experimented with painting in charcoal/acrylic/oil/ink, etc.


Kamana: My grandfather was a miniature-work artist, and his work inspired me to do something in this field only. I have completed my Masters in painting from Rajasthan School of Arts. I teach painting at a high school and also take personal lessons of kids at my home.

Me: How will you depict yourself through a painting?

Kamana: I believe that eyes express more than words can ever do. And I will represent my emotions through my eyes only. A teary-eyed portrait is perfect for me as I am very emotional.


Photo Courtsey:  

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