Mums and Stories Founder Narrates The Tales Of Stay-At-Home Mothers
- JWB Post
- September 15, 2016
If you look at it, moms are basically superhumans. How can one woman be so many things? She’s your cook, nurse, teacher, psychologist, life coach, stylist; you name it. Only moms know how to find something you lost years ago and can read your mind just by looking at you.
So basically, we’re dependent on her. I never asked my dad for as much help as I did to my mom. If I had to make a list of what I ask my parents, this is what it would look like:
Things I ask mom:
- Mom, where’s my book?
- Mom, is dinner ready?
- Mom, can you iron this for me?
- Mom, can you find me something to wear?
And so on.
Things I ask my dad:
- Where’s mom?
As hilarious as it sounds, you cannot help but agree about how relatable it is. To get more insight on this, I contacted Reshma Krishnamurthy Sharma who is the founder of blog ‘Mums and Stories’.
Reshma has featured stories of stay-at-home mums like herself, entrepreneurs, athletes, singers, children talking about their journeys and their mums, acid attack fighters becoming mums, chefs, adventure-loving mums, writers, authors and much more.
Before becoming a blogging mom, Reshma worked as a radio jockey and managed communications at the maternity hospital where she also gave birth to her son. By now, her blog has had over 126 stories and will soon celebrate its first anniversary.
How did you come up with the idea of the blog?
I’ve been a stay-at-home mom myself, so I know how often moms like us are not given due credit. Even when I was working as a radio jockey, I was always looking out for stories. What people need to know is that not just celebrities, but stay-at-home moms can have inspiring stories too, and that’s what I wanted to bring out.
How is your blog different from other blogs on motherhood?
Well, other parenting blogs take a lot of generic content. What I write is original. I want to interact with as many people as I can rather than just give facts on how to be a good mother. As moms, we can make a support group and empower each other.
One story that you thought was the most inspirational?
It would be unfair to choose one. But when I started the blog, I wrote about the acid attack survivor Lakshmi from . She had become a mother recently. So yeah, it was hard to reach out to her at first but then she called me at 12 a.m. and told me that she was free to talk since her baby was asleep. We had the conversation at that hour. That made me realize, moms are moms regardless of who they are.
You’re going to complete one year soon, are you planning to celebrate Mums and Stories’ first anniversary?
No idea *laughs*. We’ve had all these storybook picnic events and parenting sessions. Let’s see; I’ll probably have a get-together with moms.
Do you face parenting guilt? If yes, how do you overcome it?
I work from home. If a mom that I have to interview lives in Bangalore, then I go and meet her. Everything else is done over the phone or online. And well, it is all about setting your priorities and managing your time. If you’re a mom who wants to get back to her career, take it step by step and manage your time with it. If it does not work out, you should know that it is time to change. As for my work, my interviews don’t have a set timing so I can do them at any free hour that I have and can also give time to my son.
The society thinks that the concept of ‘stay-at-home mom’ is built entirely on the sacrifice. How can a woman give time to herself while being a stay-at-home mom?
Well, I think that both the spouses can take responsibility. I mean, it is a marriage, right? To take time out for herself, a woman needs support. Not all can afford daycare so she will need help from her husband.
Working mothers are often blamed for not giving time to their children which keeps them at odds with stay-at-home moms. How can we help resolve this conflict?
It is really not about solving a conflict. All that matters is that you should know what you want and should be happy with it.
How can we make the concept of stay-at-home dads more acceptable in India?
I think it is a man’s choice if he wants to become a stay-at-home dad. It is interesting to see more and more men deciding to take care of the household since women are becoming more career oriented. The increasing number of stay-at-home dads will help India accept it easily.
What is the biggest challenge mothers face?
Accepting that being just a mother is enough. If you’re a stay-at-home mother, that’s great! You don’t need to have a specific career to be successful. As stay-at-home moms, we can give enough time to their children as they grow. Many of them will go out to study and work, so we at least have their childhood to spend time with them.
How can we encourage parents to become more gender-neutral… that it is ok if their son loves playing with dolls and their daughter wants to play football?
Well, I cannot say much about others, but there was a case like that with my son. We were at a mall in a toy store and my son picked up a kitchen toy. A sales assistant told him, ‘Don’t take that, it’s for girls.’ But my son wanted it, so I bought it for him. I will be more than happy if my son comes up to me and tells me that he wants to be a chef. Knowing how to cook isn’t a woman’s job. It’s a basic necessity.
What is the best gift you can give a new mother?
Just tell her not to worry and be prepared. She’s given a lot of attention while she’s pregnant but people forget that she has to be taken care of after the delivery as well. All the pampering she requires is passed on to the baby. You can also give her all the support that she needs. If she wants to go back to her career, don’t call her selfish.
When you think of gifting a new mother something, do you also think of those Johnson baby sets, or is it just me?
Now for some short questions.
The moment that turns you into a momzilla?
Like other moms, I too have my own tantrums to deal with. So I would say, I turn into a momzilla when my son doesn’t listen to me.
What is your favorite me-time activity?
I love going to events and restaurants in my free time.
And your favorite activity to do with your son?
I like to go open spaces with him, like parks. I also take him to events that I think will be appropriate for him. We’re having a storybook picnic this weekend so I will take him to that. As for home, I tell him a new bedtime story every night. It’s like a ritual for us. So every night, I come up with something new. One day, he gave me a good suggestion to write it down somewhere. So I did and I narrate some of those stories at the picnic.
What exactly is a storybook picnic?
Well, you have children come attend the picnic with their favorite story books. If anyone wants to come forward and narrate their stories, they can. Otherwise, all the kids exchange their books and throughout the picnic, the children read at least 6 to 7 books each.
Lastly, did you have any weird food cravings during pregnancy?
Not at all. *laughs*. That is just a myth. Not every pregnancy is same, so not all mothers have cravings.
Well, my childhood has been a lie. Thank you so much, saas-bahu shows! (not.)
“From that response, I’m guessing you’re not married yet, are you?” she asked me.
“Oh, I am FAAAR from marriage. I’m too young!” I said with a laugh.
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