The Man Behind Shilpa Shetty’s Fit Body Post Her Pregnancy Spills It All
- JWB Post
- May 23, 2016
spoke to the celebrity fitness expert Vinod Channa, who gets the credit for bringing Shilpa Shetty back post her pregnancy.
Below are the excerpts from the interview.
Is there any difference in the fitness regime of the woman who undergoes a c-section and one who delivers normal? If yes, what’s the difference?
No, there is no difference. Post-pregnancy, women, face problems like joints pain, back pain, and neck problems. One should concentrate on weaker muscles as well as on the joints area. Gradually, increasing the intensity of the workout will help you in losing weight faster, getting back in shape and staying fit. After working on these problems, one can push herself to work on increasing the strength by doing a lot of cardio. This will improve the agility movement, helping you to lose weight faster.
What are the dietary regulations one should make?
A balanced diet, which includes proteins and carbohydrates, since a lot of women face bone problems. Also, one should get the D3 test done to determine the vitamin D levels. Proper medication will fight the possible deficiency, helping one to recover and strengthen faster.
Is there any food to get rid of the stretch marks?
One should have foods that consist of vitamin E, followed by a balanced diet with exercise which will certainly help in reducing the stretch marks.
Yoga or gymming – which is better for post pregnancy fitness?
Yoga! One should work more on the flexibility and less on weight training because flexibility allows you to perform better. Gradually increase the intensity or weight training. A combination of different workouts is very important because one gets different benefits from different techniques.
What was Shilpa Shetty’s regime post her pregnancy?
Shilpa Shetty’s body type is ectomorph (a person with a lean and delicate build of the body), and that is why she has been thin since before her pregnancy. But because of wrong eating habits and lack of movement and exercise, she had gained weight and lost her strength and fitness. She also faced joint problems in her neck, knee and lower back. So, it was very difficult to make her workout in a first place. I did her work on strengthening her immune system and inner-outer thigh muscles, along with lower base and core strengthening workout.
I gradually added different techniques like functional, animal flow workout, conditioning workout, which she never did in the past. She followed a strict diet with limited carbohydrates – balancing the protein along with vegetables and fruits. I helped her lose 21 kgs in 3 and ½ month naturally. She worked towards a better shape than what people had seen her on-screen. So, anything is possible with the right guidance, dedication, and sacrifices.
We’re almost there, Ms. Shetty. Almost.
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