Monday, May 02 2016, 06:26:06
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  • She Says

Team JWB

This Acid-Attack Victim’s Love Story Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes

  • JWB Post
  •  April 28, 2016


This story of a woman finding true love is magical. It’s not about a beautiful princess who found her knight in the shining armor. This is the story of an ordinary-acid-attacked-girl, who found someone who loved her, irrespective of her appearance.

Such stories tell us that humanity still stands strong within the human race, and thank God, at that. This story first appeared here.

In the summer of May 2004, I was a 16-year-old girl with big dreams and hope for my future. I didn’t even know then that the demon that would destroy my life would be my next door neighbor, a man nine years older than me. It began with casual catcalling now and then, which I tried my best to ignore. That summer when the catcalling took a new turn in the form him of him hurling obscenities at me, I finally mustered up the courage to tell my parents. On finding out, they were enraged and decided to talk to the boy’s parents. The boy’s parents were understanding and made it a point to give their son a piece of their mind. Things went back to normal from that day; he stayed out of my way, and I thought he had learned his lesson. Little did I realize that he had been harboring such immense hate for me, that four years later in 2008, he caught me off guard and attacked me with acid. He didn’t even wait for justice to prevail… right after attacking me he ingested poison and killed himself. I never even got the closure of justice, and he got the escape of a quick death. It’s very easy to press the quit button on life and get rid of all of your problems; he was a coward when he attacked me with acid, and he died a coward. The hard part is surviving, which is what I am doing.
I felt like my life had ended and it did for six years, but little did I know that this experience would lead me to understand what true love is. I met an amazing man who was willing to look past all my external appearances and made me feel something I hadn’t felt in a long time… he made me feel beautiful. We got married a few years ago, and I felt like I had been reborn. I even managed to get a job at the hospital, and that has given me the chance to move forward in life and be a part of society. I’ve been happily married for almost two years now, and I’m excited to grow my family.
The way I look at it, I can either cry over what happened for the rest of my life or be thankful for everything – a job, a family and a person who redefined a ‘soulmate’ for someone like me. Every day, I choose the latter…every day, I choose to feel beautiful.”

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