Tuesday, January 10 2017, 10:15:25
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Rajshree Gautam

JWB Intern

This New Year, JWB Gifts A ‘ME TIME’ Calendar To The Housewives Of India

  • JWB Post
  •  January 2, 2017


To say that working women exert more than homemakers will be just wrong. Unlike a working woman who officially works for 8-hours a day, they remain on their duties 24/7. It’s time we realize that a homemaker needs to take a break, too. Having said that, we have created a ‘ME TIME’ calender. The aim of this calendar is to make 2017,  a “ME” year for the women who have dedicated their lives to ‘Garam-Garam Roti’ and family comfort.

With a calendar roll in hands, we reached Mrs. Seema Mittal’s place. When we entered her house, a house so beautiful, we felt perfectly at peace. Draped in a black saree, she greeted us and we talked the talking.

Me: What time of the day do you have your me-time?

Seema: I think I have my me-time when I go shopping with my daughter. And when I go to kitty parties with my friends.

Me: What was the dream or passion you wanted to pursue but never had the chance to?

Her: At my parents’ house, everyone was in the family business so I never had someone who could have given me proper guidance, so I was not able to put my education to work. I did my Masters’ in Public Administration but never knew about its scope or the potential career in the field before my marriage. I think this leaves my one wish if not a dream, unfulfilled.

Her reply got me thinking. There’s so much our mothers and grandmothers might have wanted to do, but they were never able to!

Me: What is one new skill that you would like to learn?

Her: I can’t think of any skill that I want to learn right now. But, I love stitching and would like to learn more of techniques and styles in stitching.

Me: One thing that you expect your family can do to lessen the burden of work from you.

Her:  In my family, my husband is very helpful, and he already does everything possible to lessen the work. But I, in fact, all homemakers expects their kids to help in some way or the other. For example, if they could fold their own clothes, make their bed, go on a weekly dusting spree, it’d help.

Me: If you could give one message to the Seema of December 2016, what would that message be?

Her: (after a long pause) Seema, khud ke liye kuch karr (which is Hindi for “do something for yourself”).

Me: What is your favorite vacation destination? And, a place that you would like to visit next?

Her: By God’s grace, I have been lucky enough to go to some different countries. But to name my favorite place is tough. But I really liked London and Scotland, both these places are so beautiful. I don’t really don’t know where I will like to go next but most probably to some place I’ve never been before.

I told her about our “ME TIME” project. Through the campaign, we’d encourage homemakers to start 2017 with a pledge to have more “ME TIME.” I presented her with a “ME TIME” calendar and explained in detail about the purpose of this calendar.

Me: Let’s define your daily “ME TIME” now.

Her: (After thinking for some time) I think 11:30 to 12 sounds good.

Me: What makes you feel content and peaceful?

Her: There is a garden nearby, I like to roam around or sit on benches of that garden. After a long day, I go there to just relax, and that is the best part of the day.

Me: How do you think a homemaker can balance between family time and “me time”?

Her: I think any task can be done with proper planning and by following a routine. If we set time for everything and plan things in advance, we remain free minded and enjoy everything.

Me: Let’s mark the day you will like to dedicate to self-care, to meet friends and for learning new things.

Her: To dedicate days separately to all these won’t be possible but I can give one day at least I guess(marks the day).

Me: If you could gift one thing to yourself what would that be?

Her: (shyly)I don’t think I love anything more than sarees so I would gift myself lots and lots of sarees.

Sarees, aha, no Indian woman can resist them. By this time, she had served us coffee and fafdha, so my mind started running with thoughts of food, so I asked her:

Me: One thing that you love to eat and will cook for yourself entirely, to eat.

Her: This will undoubtedly be chai. Even if I go to a high-end restaurant, I will order a cup of tea for sure, such is my love for it. Winter or summer, this will always remain one thing it will make entirely for myself.

On hearing this, I really wanted to high five her for mutual love for chai.

Me: One movie or daily soap you would love to watch with entire sofa to yourself.

Her: I don’t like serials much, but I love to watch Devdas. I watch it every single time it is on TV. I really like the duo of Aishwarya Rai and Madhuri Dixit. And I love dancing as well so this is why I would prefer watching it while lying on my couch.

When I was done with my questions, I asked her if there is anything she wants to say or share. On this, she said “Lately I’ve seen parents giving up on their children as they grow up. I think they should not give up on their children and support them, and if they lose the right track, parents should guide them instead of leaving them to figure out on their own. On the other hand, children should understand that their parents will love them no matter what and they should learn to confide in them.”

My conversation with her opened my eyes as to how much homemakers do for their families and how less for themselves. Let us pledge ourselves to be more helpful than ever to our epitome of selflessness.

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