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  • She Says

Jayati Godhawat

JWB Blogger

This Question Moved Jennifer Aniston To Tears

  • JWB Post
  •  July 26, 2016


Jennifer Aniston recently shut the false pregnancy reports by writing an open letter to all the people and media who criticize ad scrutinize female celebrities based on their bodies.

Now, during a press conference at the Giffoni Film Festival happening in Italy, the 47-year-old actress confessed that they, too, have their weak moments of self-doubt and lack of confidence.

A fan asked her, “If you ever had a moment in which you get up a morning, and you don’t know who you are?”

Jennifer revealed, “There’s not enough fingers and toes in this entire room to count how many times that moment has happened to me,” and tears welled up in her eyes.

She continued, “I mean ― my gosh. We’re all human beings at the end of the day. Whether we’re a waitress, or we’re a baker or we’re a student or whatever we are, at the end of the day you kind of hit walls and think, I kind of can’t go any farther. Or this is too much. My heart can’t take it. Or the pain is too great, or am I good enough? Can I, will I, survive? And, we just have to sort of somehow miraculously overcome. You just go, ‘I can’t. Yes, I can. Yes, you can.”

Aniston also addressed the audience by saying that celebs are no different from the masses.

“And also know that your actors, your idols, your icons, whatever you call them, have all had that experience in their lives many, many times,” the actress said. “There’s nothing that separates us from you because we all started at the same place. We all came out of nowhere. Don’t punish yourself if you feel that. Go talk to people and seek help and always find something to inspire you.” 


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