Jayati Godhawat
JWB Blogger
Two Boys Bought Sanitary Pads For This Stranger Who Got Her First Period
- JWB Post
- December 3, 2016
Menstruation is still a taboo in the society like ours. But, do we, the girls, an equal culprit for making periods a hush-hush topic in India?
Well, a girl shared an incidence on The Logical Indian where boys didn’t make a fuss over the periods, and it took her by surprise. And, more importantly, taught her a lesson.
Monika was walking down to the parking lot when she saw a girl sitting on the bike next to hers. The owner of that bike came and asked the girl to get up, but she couldn’t respond and looked nervous.
“I could see the nervousness and the feeling to cry on her face. I wanted to talk to that girl, but something stopped me. Somewhere inside me someone was saying to keep quite unless you are not called for help,” shared Monika in the post.
The girl started crying when the owner shouted at her. At that point, Monika decided to intervene in the matter.
“Another friend of the owner came and asked the matter. She started murmuring something. Something like blood, dates, sorry. Nothing was clear to me for the first time. The boy immediately asked her to keep quite and not to worry and took his friend away. They started talking. Moreover, I could sense it that the boy was trying to explain something to his friend. We met in the middle, and that was the time when the boy asked for my help.”
But, the next line from the boys stunned Monika.
“He- hey! Can you please help us out. Maybe the girl got her first periods today, and she is alone. Can you please take care of her meanwhile we’ll manage for the napkins,” the guys said to her.
Monika also shared how the boys were very positive about the whole situation and made sure the girl was okay.
“After some time the guys came, gave us the sanitary napkins and also have their number and asked us to call them when it was all fine. I took the girl to the washroom and cleared all the mess.”
She realized that maybe it’s us who make a big deal about our periods. And made a valid point.
“That day I realized that it is all about your perception. Sometimes we females make this ‘menstruation’ thing so unusual that for males also it becomes hard to digest. It is not something that is bad and is some kind of taboo. It is simply a natural process that goes on every month and no one should make any issue out of it.”
Blood, Menstruation is not something unnatural, and we should all understand it.
“It is okay for any boy to go and ask for sanitary pads. It is okay to carry those packets openly. It is okay to talk about it in public. That boy made me realize that I should not get shocked by this fact that he went to get those pads. Indeed the first step should be taken by us. Be normal. You are not doing something wrong,” she explained.
Well, Kudos, to the boys for setting a right example in front of the society!
It’s high time that we break our silence and shatter the stereotypes around our bloody dates!
The story first appeared here.
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