Husband Denied Visa, Wife Honeymooned With In-Laws. Result? Hilarious!
- JWB Post
- July 11, 2016
Honeymooning sans husband has become quite a trend since the movie Queen. Don’t you think so?
Well, I have evidence to prove my point. Solid evidence. *Grins smugly*
Lahore-based Huma Mobin and Arsalaan Sever Butt got married some 7 odd months back, and when they were to leave last month for their second honeymoon to Greece, a tiny twist of plans occurred. As a consequence of which, this happened:
Yeah so, the most romantic place on the planet can actually turn into a suicidal place. Dear Visa-granting-Greek-Embassy-fellas, are you reading this?
Turns out, Arsalaan never stepped on the plane because he wasn’t granted a visa on time. But, because the trip was already paid for, Huma hopped on board along with her in-laws.
Honeymooning with your mother-in-law and father-in-law in Greece. Yeah! That’s the DREAM every girl grows up fantasizing about. Eh?
Well, given how sporty and supportive Huma’s mil was, that might have actually been the dream!
“I cried the first night on my mother-in-law’s shoulder, but she told me to make the best of it,” said Mobin.
What happened next, you wonder? Huma stuck to her original itinerary of places-to-visit and things-to-do and checked every item on the list…
… meanwhile missing her husband dearly,
… and while cursing the Greek Embassy even more dearly!
Luckily for Huma though, we live in a world where Photoshop exists. Just saying,
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