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Jayati Godhawat

JWB Blogger

JWB Cracked The Mystery Of CA With These All-India Toppers From Jaipur

  • JWB Post
  •  July 23, 2016


The Institute of Chartered Accounts of India (ICAI) declared the result of CA Final Exam May 2016, on Monday, i.e. 18th July, and six students from Jaipur made it to the top 50 merit list.

Amazing right?

Amongst the six toppers, two were girls, Vidhi Garg secured 32nd rank, and on 41st rank was Shipra Kabra.

JWB met these brilliant heads along with a few other girls who cleared CA final exam in their first attempt, which by the way, is an achievement in itself owing to the fact that CA is one of the toughest professional courses in the country.

Of course, our primary purpose was to dig into the secret of cracking CA.

Just Kidding! *sticking out my tongue*

Here’s a sneak peek into our conversation with the toppers:

Me: Congratulations! How does it feel to be in the All-India Top 50 list?

Vidhi Garg

Shipra: I feel out of the world and also out of words to describe my jubilant state. When I saw the result, I re-checked it three times and started dancing like crazy.

Vidhi: One of my papers didn’t go that well, and I was just praying and hoping to clear it as I was confident of all other papers. So, I was expecting it to clear the final exams, but making it to the merit list was the most delightful surprise. All of the students are happy knowing that they have cleared the exam and never bother to check the merit list. In my case, too, my friend called me and said, “You are in the merit list.” I feel great that all our hard work and sacrifices have paid off.

Me: Cracking CA is not easy. How did you prepare for it? What was your study routine?

Shipra Kabra

Vidhi: After clearing IPCC we have to do a two and a half year long articleship. And, our tuitions go simultaneously. And, four-five months before the exams we have to self-study. You have to mentally and physically prepare yourself to give your hundred percent to the studies. We also have to limit our outings and Whatsapp, FB time so that we don’t get distracted.

Shipra: I believe that these last four months before the main exams are the most crucial. I studied for about 8-9 hours daily during this time and of course as she said, you have to let go of your social life and interaction for that period.

Me: So were there any weak moments, too?

Vidhi Garg

Shipra: See, the common regret of all students preparing for CA is that there’s no college and campus life.

Vidhi: There’s another reason to stay away from Whatsapp, Facebook, etc. While other people checked into clubs, restaurants, etc., I was in my room studying which sometimes became overwhelming. But, then, I reminded myself, ‘One has to lose some, to gain some.’

Me: True that! Your parents must be so proud of you both. How important was their support throughout these years?

Vidhi: When we saw our result, mom had ‘khushi ke aansu’ and that was the most gratifying moment for me. These 2-3 years, my parents have also sacrificed their outings, dinners, movie nights and family functions so that I don’t feel left out. Wherever I am, I owe it to my parents.

Shipra: I was treated like a princess. All my wishes were fulfilled, and my mom used to cook my favorite dishes. *giggles*

Shipra and Vidhi

Me: What do you want to do now?

Shipra: I want to work with top CA companies in India. I would prefer a job outside Jaipur, so I can become independent.

Vidhi: It depends on, I might take up a job and if not, I will prepare for Civil Services.

Me:  We see most women CAs doing a job, and there are very few who are at higher posts or have their own firms. Why?

Shipra: One has to gain a lot of experience through years of practice before establishing their CA firms. And, I think girls’ CA usually prefer jobs because most of them have pressure to get married at a certain age and so they cannot invest that many years in practicing.


Me: Lastly, any tips and ‘Mool Mantra’ for the students doing CA?
Shipra: Yes, CA is a high-pressure course. However, if you are determined and focused, you will manage everything. And, the most important thing is to be positive, because on the days you feel low, being affirmative that sooner or later you’ll attain your goal is what will keep you going.

Vidhi: First, one needs to stop fearing CA. It’s no devil with horns. No doubt, it demands sincere hard work and greater efforts than some of the other courses, but, it’s not unattainable. If we can do it, you can, too. Believe in yourself!

“Psst! I wish someone would have told me this when I was struggling to find the right course after school,” I said, and we all laughed.

It’s incredible to see the determination and grit of young girls like Vidhi and Shipra, and we wish them all the best in their future endeavors.




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