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  • She Says

Jayati Godhawat

JWB Blogger

New Mother Was Shamed For Wearing A Bikini, Her Response Is Pure Gold

  • JWB Post
  •  August 10, 2016


A post-pregnancy body is looked down upon and shamed by most people, and the new mothers are advised to lose their weight ASAP.

But, , from Missouri, USA, tackled the body-shamers like a boss.

The new mother went to swimming in a bikini and was shamed by a stranger. She decided to teach her the lesson of her life by posting a photo of herself in a bikini and wrote:

“So today I took my four-month-old son to the pool. While putting Christians pool hat on, a woman (maybe mid-50s) comes up and makes conversation with me about Christian. Asking me his age, how much he weighs, how he sleeps, etc. She then proceeded to tell me that the men at the pool would feel more comfortable if I was in a one-piece swimsuit because a bikini isn’t appropriate for a mother, especially one who’s “still recovering.” Anyone who knows me knows I had a few words for this crazy, ballsy woman. But instead, I just smiled, kissed my son and told her, “I’m proud of my body. In just one year I’ve gained 50 pounds and lost 37. I’ve grown a human and given birth to a beautiful miracle. My body provided food for my child. So, no, my body might not be the best sight for other men to see. My stretch marks and tummy pudge might not be sexy. But they’re proof that I’ve done something amazing, and I have a man that loves me and finds me even sexier and more beautiful now. To be honest, I don’t give a tiny rats ass what other men, or a prissy twit like you think. Have a nice day, though.”

What saddened me more is that a woman was shaming another woman for her body. It’s time that we stop criticizing and start celebrating the beauty of bodies as they are and not try to fit it into a particular mould, shape, and texture.

And, kudos to Lexi, for making a totally legit point and giving a beautiful response!

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