Saturday, October 15 2016, 07:27:43
  • fatasstic
  • fatasstic
  • She Says

Himanshu Roy

JWB Blogger

These Rape Stats Written In Blood Will Make You Question Humanity

  • JWB Post
  •  August 8, 2016


At least four women are raped and modesty of nine is outraged every day in Delhi. When I first read these figures, I couldn’t believe it. I am pretty much sure that you would also have trouble in believing it, but it’s the sad reality.

According to data released by the Delhi police, it has been found out that between 2012 and 2015, such was the state of affairs at the national capital. The number of rape cases also increased by more than three times.

Read this for instance. In 2013, the total number of rape cases registered in 2013 was 706, and the same number soared to 2199 in 2015. This shows that how the crime rate is increasing alarmingly.

What worries me further is that if the law order situation in a metro city and also the national capital like Delhi is so bad, then how can we expect that women will be safe in a remote village of UP or Rajasthan?

Isn’t it a shame that in spite of all the slogans such as “Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao” and speeches about lofty ideals given by politicians, women are unsafe in Delhi?

More data reveals that rape cases jumped nearly six times in the last 15 years. And btw, there are also many women who were raped fifteen years ago and are still awaiting justice.

And if you thought that women are safe within the four walls of their houses, then think again.

In the time span of 2012- July 2016, 681 cases of dowry deaths have been reported, with the woman often pushed to the brink of death by her own husband and his relatives.

It is really tragic to imagine that all these women, who were harassed, abused and raped have now become only statistics to us, with most of their stories being untold or stifled by the society. Do spare a thought for the increasing cases of violence against women and do your bit to fight the menace.

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