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  • She Says

Lavanya Bahuguna


Read Why Deeksha Gupta’s ‘Clay Botik’ Is A Must-visit Place In Jaipur!

  • JWB Post
  •  December 8, 2015


You won’t believe what I have found! Did you know, our city has its own clay & pottery workshops?

This petite yet powerful story is of a Jaipur woman who took the bold step to drop her juicy corporate job so that she could follow her passion. Deeksha Gupta loves art, and in order to connect with others who love pottery, she decided to open a platform where every such person can get his/her hands dirty in clay.

She says, “I was a Fine Arts and Multimedia student. So basically, the major part of my life has been witnessing various kinds of arts, colours, designs and spaces.”

Read my chat with Deeksha, Founder ‘Clay Botik‘, to unveil how she took her passion to a whole new level.

Me: OMG, what a beautiful place! A place like this can tempt me any day.

Deeksha: Thank you! I have done the walls.

Me: Really! I love the idea of how a small passage in the garden has been modified so artistically…

Deeksha: That too without using expensive stuff. The room has things that inspire me, for example, books, paintings, and artworks from Rajasthan. The paintings are done by me.

Me: Deeksha, you are city’s own version of Picasso.

Deeksha (giggles): They are for sale. Everything, except the books, is for sale.

Me: Okay, so tell me, what made you so brave? Not everyone can give up a handsome salary.

Deeksha: I’ve worked for 15 years in some of the best MNCs across the globe as a User Experience Designer. I got indulged in traveling due to the job shifts. The world outside is huge and remarkable. Slowly, I started craving for art.

Only after I learnt pottery, this yearning got satisfied. So much so that I gave no second thought before quitting my job and walking a new path. I felt no insecurity. I wasn’t even sure if my choice would fetch me any livelihood. All I wanted was to enter the world of clay!

Me: But why only pottery?

Deeksha: Clay can be molded into any desired shape and size. Your imagination has no limit when you’re working with clay. I feel I am able to give my imagination a shape using clay. When I founded ‘Clay Botik’, I expected everyone to do exactly the same!

Me: Aha! So who all can come and join you at ‘‘’?

Deeksha: Anyone! I am just a call away!

Me: What kind of visitors have you welcomed so far?

Deeksha: Mostly tourists because they are fascinated with the idea of pottery, and consider it very Indian. It also adds to their travel itinerary. I offer the couple workshops, the family workshops, etc where couples, friends or family can learn and enjoy pottery. I give them the freedom to play songs of their choice during the session. Love and laughter along with the soft dope of music make the ambiance more thrilling. And yes, I have recently introduced a small menu from which you can order beverages and snacks that you can munch while reading your favorite book!

Me: Sounds fun!

Deeksha: Believe me, these workshops are a total stress-buster. Moreover, this allows me to meet people from different ethnicities. While I teach them how to make their desired object, I get to learn a lot too!

Me: I am sure! I can see so many beautiful artworks on your table.

Deeksha: These are my memoirs. I have worked with clays like terracotta, stoneware, etc. But I mainly use stoneware for creating a wheel and a hand pottery.

Me: Can I try my hands?

Deeksha: I was going to ask you.

Me: Yay!

Me: I am such a mess. See what I did to my WHITE pants!

Deeksha: Lol, that’s alright!

Me: Thank you for having us over.

Deeksha: Anytime! Would you mind leaving a message on my Memory-tree?

Me: Why not?

Isn’t she a free-spirited bird? And don’t we all want to be like her someday? So here are her contact details so that you can get in touch with Deeksha and learn a thing or two about living one’s passion – you can drop her an email at !

Photo courtesy:

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