Sunday, November 06 2016, 06:55:28
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  • She Says

Himanshu Roy

JWB Blogger

Survived The Holocaust, These Women Are Setting The Runway On Fire

  • JWB Post
  •  November 2, 2016


Their youth was ruined by the despicable ideology of Nazism. They spent the days doing manual labor in concentration camps, dreading the moment when they will be sent to die in gas chambers.

Six decades later, the wrinkled faces of a handful of frail women radiated a smile that was robbed from them by the Holocaust as they confidently walked the runway, just like supermodels.

Yes, I am speaking about the fourth Holocaust survivors’ beauty pageant which was recently held in Israel. A beauty pageant like no other, the show involved women in their seventies and eighties, who walked the ramp.

Aimed at honoring the women who survived the Holocaust and saw countless horrors living in Nazi extermination camps, this initiative is completely one-of-a-kind.

It was an unlikely sight to see women such as 73-year-old Malka Gorka, setting the runway on fire as she strolled on it with the ‘Pretty Woman’ playing in the background.

An evening that was special in more than one ways, the show gave a rare chance to these women to forget the sufferings that they saw in their youth and celebrate the fact that the world stood united and defeated the Nazism.

At 89, Carmela Ben Yehuda looked no less than a diva and invited loud cheers from the audience when she walked the ramp. When one hears the fact that this woman survives Auschwitz, the Nazi death camp infamous for ending countless innocent lives, the respect for her surges in your heart.

And finally, after the sizzling show, the judges declared 75-year-old Russian-born Anna Grinis as the winner of the pageant. Grinis was two days old when the World War II had started.

Her family had to escape Moscow when the German army attacked it, causing widespread destruction and killings of civilians.

This unique beauty pageant was an apt way to honor these brave women, who even after seeing the worst side of the world, are gracious enough to believe that humanity and kindness could never be defeated.

Photo Copyrights: Amir Cohen/Reuters

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