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  • She Says

Jayati Godhawat

JWB Blogger

This Girl Shares Her “Bizarre” Story Of Rejection For A Reason

  • JWB Post
  •  July 26, 2016


The story of Chetna Bafna is one of rejection, despair, selfless love and hope.

“My life is a simple one, just like each one of yours, except for the fact that I feel it is bizarre. Why do I call it ‘bizarre,’ she says.

Chetna has a younger brother who suffers from a very rare syndrome called the DAMP syndrome resulting to the severe mental impairment. Chetna was neglected by her school mates, extended family members, etc. because of her brother’s condition.

“I started wondering as to why only I was treated indifferently almost every time and everywhere. I wanted to go deep and know the cause….. I discovered that it was the presence of my younger brother that had led to all such events in my life.”

But, that didn’t deter her love for her younger brother. In fact, she loved him more and took care of him when their mother got sick.

“I chose my brother and this simple life over the fake love expressed by people.”

She has found the meaning of her life through him, she mentions.

“Today my brother is my inspiration, for me to join a paramedical course BASLP (Bachelor in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology), which deals with persons having hearing & speech disabilities and also other mental disabilities.

He is the purest soul, not knowing what it is to lie, not realizing what it means to hate, not being judgmental. He spreads love and happiness. He greets and socializes with every person he meets.”

“My every learning was from him, my every little dream started because of him. My world revolves around him.”

It’s not easy for anyone to come out in the public and acknowledge their darkest secrets and struggles that they have gone through, but, Chetna narrates her story to reach out to the people with a very important message: Message of Empathy!

“I’ve never spoken about my brother publicly before, but now I feel the desperate need to do so. I feel there is zero person awareness in the world. We talk about equality; we talk about big big things which aren’t in our control. Why are we letting lose the million tiny things we can do to make this world a better place to live in.”

“My personal cause has now become a social cause, to create awareness and serve people with disabilities. Not because I want to be sympathetic, but because I want to be empathetic. I want to help people with disabilities to live a happy life in spite of their disabilities. I want to see their abilities win over their disabilities.”


You can read her entire story on The Logical Indian here.

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