Saturday, August 13 2016, 08:36:31
  • fatasstic
  • fatasstic
  • She Says

Komal Panwar


This Kid’s Parents Sent His Favorite Toy For A Trip Around The World

  • JWB Post
  •  July 8, 2016


When I was a little kid, I had a pink-stuffed-monkey. It was my favourite toy, I fed it grapes, and sometimes even bananas. One day, when my sister was juggling with it for some reason, it jumped so high that it got shredded in the fan.

I still miss that monkey.

So, I know how a little one feels when he loses his toy. When this happened to a little boy and he lost his favorite toy elephant, his parents knew how to make him feel better. They used their imagination and photoshop!

The son was made to believe that the elephant was just traveling around the world!

Here’s what the toy looked like before it went for ‘traveling’.



In Africa

Fly Away!

Flying Somewhere

Making New Friends

Making New Best Friends Already

In the world of penguins

In Antarctica

London Calling!

In London

In Peru with a new friend

With Friend In Peru

He feels so alive

Obligatory Sakura Picture

Chillin with Lady Liberty

Chillin With Lady Liberty, New York

Norway & Fish

In Norway

Offering prayers

In Cambodia

In France

In France

Photo source

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