Monday, September 12 2016, 11:03:22
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  • She Says

Jayati Godhawat

JWB Blogger

This Poem By A Mother For Her Child Will Melt Your Heart

  • JWB Post
  •  July 5, 2016


A mother’s endearment is invaluable and incomparable. For any woman, the feeling of motherhood is the most divine.

Mother of four and a writer by profession, Regan Long, expressed aptly, the feelings of a mother for her little one, in her poem ‘But instead I held you.’

Here’s her poem:

I was going to vacuum up the crunched mini wheats that you accidentally spread through the living room and stairwell, and likewise, clean up some of the toys that are strewn in every room but the playroom.
But instead, I held you.

I was going to get dinner in the crockpot and go through the pile of mail that has been sitting on the countertop since Monday.
But instead, I held you.

I was going to carry you upstairs and lay you down as I was pretty certain you wouldn’t awake if I did. Maybe you would have been more comfortable in your bed?
But instead, I held you.

You see, your little legs are already bunched up on the chair as it seems like it was just yesterday that your tiny toes were still resting upon my stomach.

Your tiny breaths and sweet hands fell so perfectly around me, yet soon you will prefer to stretch out in your own toddler bed.

It turns out that my plans for this time weren’t going to accomplish what I have right here in my arms.

I found my calm and the peace and the satisfaction right here, right now, because of one simple choice…

Instead, I held you.

Beautiful, isn’t it?

Regan Long has written many pieces on motherhood and what I like most about her poems and writings is the simplicity with which she expresses the different emotions of a mother.

You can check out her work here.

Okbye! *missing mommy*

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