Sunday, November 06 2016, 02:10:33
  • fatasstic
  • fatasstic
  • She Says

Himanshu Roy

JWB Blogger

UNICEF Needs $308 Million To Save 49,000 Nigerian Children

  • JWB Post
  •  August 29, 2016


How often do we get to read about the net worth of billionaires around the world who own 10 times than this amount?

Every now and then a survey comes out that ranks the richest people in the world and the media runs cheesy, feel good articles saying that how Mukesh Ambani and Ratan Tata has managed to make it to the big list.

But, at the same time, when a handful of people in the world own most of the wealth in the world, over half a million children in Africa are suffering from severe malnutrition.

In a study conducted by the UNICEF, it has been found that if 49,000 of them don’t get proper treatment, they will die within this year. It has been estimated that around $308 million will be needed for the treatment of these children.

But till date, the UNICEF has been able to collect just $41 million which is only 13 percent of what it is needed to save the children.

The malnutrition has reached epidemic proportions primarily because of a severe drought and war raged by the terror outfit Boko Haram.

Caught in the crossfire are the children who as a result of the war, now don’t even have access to the basic amenities like food and water.

The war has led to the destruction of nearly two-thirds of hospitals and clinics in Borno, one of the places severely affected by malnutrition.

What’s more disgusting is that Boko Haram is increasingly using children as suicide bombers, and so far there have been 38 cases of bombings in this year.

At this point of time, the UNICEF is fighting a battle against time to collect the funds and save these children. We fervently hope that they come out victorious.

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