Sunday, February 05 2017, 05:31:47
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Whoa! This Mom’s Instagram Post Tells The REAL Struggle Of Breastfeeding.

  • IWB Post
  •  February 1, 2017


We absolutely love moms who are not afraid of speaking about motherhood-thingys bothering them.

To be honest, these problems can be anything from breastfeeding to dealing with a cranky kid.

Nashville-based mom, Leah, was going through something similar and thought to put it up on her Instagram. In the caption, she wrote about the many unanswered questions moms face while nursing.

She begins by saying, “Ok, I’m going to say it for us all. Breastfeeding is hard. It’s, really hard.”

She continues, “We trusted our bodies to grow our babies for 9 months and now we have to trust our body to supply the nourishment for our baby’s growth & development. Talk about pressure? Breastfeeding is full of unanswered questions.”

Ok, I'm going to say it for us all. Breastfeeding is hard. It's really, really hard. Sometimes I can't even explain what makes it so difficult. The uncertainty, second guessing, responsibility, commitment, discomfort…just to name a few. We trusted our bodies to grow our babies for 9 months and now we have to trust our body to supply the nourishment for our babes growth & development. Talk about pressure😳 Breastfeeding is full of unanswered questions. You truly don't know what's going on down there. Too much? Too little? Too intense? Not enough hindmilk? Not enough time? Plugged duct? Mastitis? WTF!!! As if it wasn't hard enough😓And of course the biggest way to know if you're doing well is if the baby is gaining weight…great, let me just whip out my handy dandy baby scale😑..But, even with all of that. We all so desperately want to survive and push through. We so badly want to have our baby thrive. We want that relationship. We want the experience. In the end, fed is best. That's what matters. But all I know right now is that breastfeeding is hard. I am doing my very best but always have a question in the back of my mind. Always second guessing myself. Always wondering if I'm doing OKAY. I'm determined to tough it out. I want to do this. Mamas really do need all the support they can get. So mama, you're hearing it from me, you're not going crazy, it is hard, but you're doing good. Keep going!! There's a rumor going around that it gets easier😌 • • • #motherhoodrising #motherhood #motherhoodunplugged #postpartum #breastfeeding #ebf #fedisbest #baby #newborn #mom #mama #momlife #fitpregnancy #pregnant #pregnancy #babygirl #letthembelittle #laleche #momstrong #fitmom #mommy #daughter #ig_baby #ig_motherhood #newmom #healthypregnancy #strongmom

A photo posted by Leah💋 (@thenashvillebump) on


That’s when hundreds of mothers began relating to her words and showered their support to Leah.

In an interview with The HuffPost, she said, “I had seen so many pictures on social media of mothers blissfully breastfeeding their babies that I didn’t realize it’s not always like that. It seemed so easy and natural for them, but even things that are easy and natural can be a learning experience for many people. It takes more than a breast to feed a baby! It takes time, patience, support, proper nutrition, confidence and sometimes professional help to overcome your breastfeeding struggles.”

She added, “Mothers know what the best decision for themselves, baby and family is. Mothers who choose to exclusively pump, bottle-feed, supplement formula feed or breastfeed all need a lot of support.”

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