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  • She Says

Jayati Godhawat

IWB Blogger

Will Marvel’s Queer Latina Superhero Make America Great Again?

  • IWB Post
  •  February 8, 2017


The first comic book of Marvel’s queer Latina superhero, America Chavez, will hit the stores on March 1.

In the writer Gabby Rivera’s own words, “She’s a foxy, badass, hard femme Latina, who dates women and punches into other dimensions. She’s also strong like, ‘could probably win in a fight with The Rock’ kind of strong. But they’d probably never fight each other because The Rock isn’t like that, and they’d just end up being best friends.”

Will she rescue the Americans from the wrath of Donald Trump? Well, they can surely forget about him for a while when reading about her.

 “I hope readers have fun,” Rivera told The Huffington Post. “We’re developing something wild and exciting with America’s story, and I want readers to lose themselves in it.”

The second issue’s main cover got much attention on Twitter, as America’s look was inspired by pop sensation Beyoncé.

“When sharing ideas and inspiration for America covers, the illustrator, Joe Quinones and I kicked around so many iconic images from the Beatles to Celia Cruz,” Rivera told. “We discussed folks who have a tremendous impact on American culture while also existing at the intersection of many identities.”

The writer also told that the comic will highlight the spirit of true America, which inhabits diverse cultures, people, and identities.

“America Chavez will not be the only character in the book with an intersecting identity. She will not be the sole representation of queer people and women and Latinas. There will be communities of folks all around her testing their super powers and finding strength within themselves,” she asserted.

“We’ve been very intentional with reflecting different body types and gender presentations. Our characters are black, Afro-Latinx, Asian, mixed and everything in between — like literally running the gamut of melanin, you know?”

I’m sure America Chavez will make one helluva American superhero and will save the people not only from the enemies but will also change their perception of a lot of things.

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