Tuesday, June 28 2016, 03:45:32
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  • She Says

Jayati Godhawat

JWB Blogger

CWC Chairperson To JWB: ‘It’s vital to understand the psychology of the rapists’

  • JWB Post
  •  June 21, 2016


Within 10 days, two minors were raped in Jaipur.

In one incident, a three-year-old girl was allegedly abducted from a religious place in Transport Nagar area on June 12. She was brutally raped and then left at Kanota, near Jaipur. The police found her bleeding and admitted her to the J.K. Lon Hospital of the city.

Barely a week later, another three-year-old girl was kidnapped from the premises of SMS hospital and then raped. She, too, was rushed to J.K. Lon Hospital and had to undergo surgeries to get her in a stable condition.

JWB talked to the Chairperson of Child Welfare Commission (CWC), Manan Chaturvedi, about such heinous incidents.

The incidents are disheartening and the Police has been summoned to find and arrest the rapists as soon as possible. The case has been registered under the fast track and once, the rapist is in custody, further course of action shall be decided,” said Manan.

Manan also expressed the need to deeply study the psychological behaviour of the rapists.

CWC has already passed orders to analyse the previous case studies of child rapists. It’s very important to understand what the psychology of the rapists. There has to be something severely wrong with their mindsets that urge them rape minors.”

Only after an extensive assessment of such cases, we will formulate new policies to prevent further rapes and punish the culprits,” she added.

The CWC chairperson also emphasised that the laws should be enforced strictly. She stated,

We have summoned the police officials to further strengthen the late-night patrolling in the city. And, have issued an order to install CCTV cameras at public places, like government hospitals, stations, bus stands, religious places, etc.”

She shared about CWC’s social awareness programmes to raise awareness amongst people on this grave issue.

We will conduct various social awareness campaigns in school, colleges, societies, etc., to build an interactive platform.”
JWB hope that the rapists in both the cases are soon arrested and the minors get justice.

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