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Mansi Khandelwal

IWB Blogger

Founder & CEO Of VU Technologies, Devita Channels Success Through Her 500cr Journey

  • IWB Post
  •  February 1, 2017


Bringing luxury and technology to the Indian customers for several years, Devita Saraf, who joined her dad’s firm at 16, is now an owner of a 500 crore television brand – VU Technologies.

Devita pursued an undergraduate course in Business at the University of Southern California and was pretty clear that she would run her own company one day. It was then that she joined her father’s firm to pick up practical skills.

Indian Women Blog: Which one feminine quality you think helped you grow your business?

Devita: Well, all I know is that I am a people’s person and like to treat everyone with grace and care. For me not everything at work is transactional. When you work with people you also should help them bring out the best in them. Also, I feel this is more of a feminine trait because men don’t see this aspect as important. In today’s day and age, people feel close to those who they work with and these are things above money.

Indian Women Blog: Working under your dad since the age of 16 or being your own boss, what do you like better and why?

Devita: Since we are living in India, I’d like to say that the roles of women here are very traditional. I am originally from a Marwari family who lived in Rajasthan. But from a very young age, my father always thought that I am someone who has a lot of capability and business acumen and so he trained me towards that. So both of us have a very similar approach but I still try to bring my own world perspective, foreign education into things I do.

Indian Women Blog: Do you remember your 1st day at your dad’s firm at 16?

Devita: I remember how I had bunked college to go to my dad’s office. However, at that time, it was a rare sight to see a daughter working with her dad. People used to think that I have come there to pass time. But I have always been a sharp observer and so I used to attend important meetings.

While attending meetings I used to be offered tea and coffee and since I was just 16 I did not start having tea by then. So I used to tell that I am not an adult yet!


Indian Women Blog: The biggest risk and challenge you have faced as a woman entrepreneur?

Devita: I think the biggest risk in any business is the nature of the business. Electronics is an extremely dynamic industry and very competitive. So one has to be very self-motivated to come up with new ideas and innovations to be able to foresee opportunities. Also, with a lot of women, I feel being leaders is something they are not used to.

Is it, I asked?

There’s a difference in being in charge and taking control. Lots of women have responsibility but few women have an authority and fewer have vision. I think women don’t have that much scope from a young age and are not motivated to have a visionary leadership but are more into professional management.

Indian Women Blog: 3 astonishing facts about you that prove women can do great in technology?

Devita: I think let’s not just look at technology. Firstly, it would be starting a 500 crore company from scratch was an achievement. Also, marrying lifestyle luxury with electronics and television was something I thought of in my early 20s. So this idea of merging the two worlds was both new and challenging.

Secondly, I would say that I have spoken with top leaders and businessmen of the world. It’s really important for me to make people see Indian women as powerful and strong and successful.


Another thing, I feel that these days a lot of CEOs and business personalities are becoming public faces and celebrities. Since they inspire so many people, they aren’t just limited to being managers of their company.

So yes, whether I am running a business or walking a ramp, I want younger women to see more than one aspect of my life.

Indian Women Blog: How do you detox yourself from the entrepreneurial self?

Devita: Hah! Honestly, I am such an active person that I don’t know how to detox myself. So even when I was at the Ranthambore festival recently, it wasn’t like I was chilling by the pool or napping in my room. I was always discovering, socializing around and that’s what I do. I literally think I am a 3-year-old kid who is constantly active until she is sleeping.  

Indian Women Blog: Being a woman boss, what difference have you made for women employees at your office?

Devita: We have 40 % women out of 300 people. I feel having a lot of women employees is not what is required; instead of placing women at important positions is what is much needed. So this is what I focus on at my office.

Indian Women Blog:  What is your power dressing outfit?

Devita: I am a very feminine dresser. I am not a major fan of pantsuits and sarees. I love dresses, body con dresses with different coordinates.

Indian Women Blog: How important do you think it is for a woman to have a backup at home?

Devita: Well, I have seen a lot of women who want someone to handle them emotionally or take care of them. But I don’t understand how you can be a major businesswoman if you can’t take care of yourself, you are just a child to me. Even I have family and friends to share my emotions with but it’s not like I am entirely dependent on them.

Indian Women Blog: How would you define women friendship in business?

Devita: Umm, it again boils down to depend on the nature of the business. But I think for women it is important to understand and value other women’s success too. They should know that you can be successful and so can she. She by gaining that triumph is not stealing away your achievement.

Indian Women Blog: One advice to women entrepreneurs?

Devita: I would say focus on your own success and yourself. Don’t get bothered by what other people are doing and don’t compare.

Indian Women Blog: So if you were live on the following channels, what would you like to say about yourself?

Travel Channel: Ohh I love traveling. I take a flight every month since the age of 16. I have been to more than 250 cities across the world.

Food Channel: I love cooking and I love sweets.

Fashion Channel: To me, fashion is something that has to really express my personality, should be trendy, young, and edgy and overall my sense of style is chicer!

News Channel: I am always in the news.

Music Channel: I play a couple of instruments and I do the classical dance. I have a deep appreciation for good music.

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