Thursday, August 11 2016, 08:54:16
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  • She Says

Drishti Bodhraj Premprakashi

JWB Blogger

Here’s A List Of The Meanest Fat-Shaming Phrases Used Online

  • JWB Post
  •  July 5, 2016

Fat-shaming has never done good to anyone. But people don’t stop, do they? 

A new research conducted by Elliptical Reviews shows the scary existence of body-shaming on Twitter. The company used geo-tags and Twitter mentions and analyzed more than 17,000 fat-shaming-related tweets to explore the most common phrases used by internet trolls and where the body-shaming takes place.

Elliptical Reviews discovered that the 30 most common fat-shaming phrases and terms included stuff like, “fat bitch” and “thunder thighs,” along with phrases like “stay out of the kitchen.”

The top 10 most commonly used fat-shaming terms found were:

1.    Lose weight

2.    Fat ass

3.    Stop eating

4.    Hit the gym

5.    Fat bitch

6.    Fatso

7.    Big boned

8.    Lard ass

9.    Fat boy

10. Fatty

And here are the 30 most commonly utilised body-shaming terms:

Since Elliptical Reviews also found out where all this fat-shaming was taking place, they created a graph that shows the number of body-shaming-related tweets sent in each American state.

Here are the five stated with the highest prevalence of fat-shaming tweets:

1.    Wyoming

2.    Vermont

3.    North Dakota

4.    Alaska

5.    South Dakota

The research also studied the prevalence of specific body-shaming phrases around the world.  Phrases like ‘big and fat’ and ‘lose weight’ were commonly found and used throughout North America, Europe, and Asia. The terms ‘fat ass’ and ‘fat bitch’ were used at a very overwhelming rate in the U.S., while the phrase ‘stop eating’ was surprisingly noticed in South Asian countries.

While most people have been through harassment online, the disturbing majority of internet harassment victims were noticed to be women. Women ranging from the ages of 18-24 were noticed to have experienced a disproportionately higher amount of harassment as compared to that of men, with 26 percent reporting that they’ve been stalked online and 25 percent reporting that they were targets of online sexual harassment.

The abuse women face online is usually much more gendered and sexualized compared to the abuse that men face. While men experience fat-shaming and body image issues offline, women and girls face the wrath of weight-shaming. Elliptical Reviews did not analyze gender in their findings, other statistics suggested that most of these fat-shaming phrases were clearly directed towards women.

“There’s no one-size-fits-all solution to the weight question, but it certainly starts with an increased measure of respect and acceptance for everybody, in every size,” read a quote found in the Elliptical Reviews study notes.

You can read the original article here and the rest of Elliptical Reviews’ research here.

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