Wednesday, November 16 2016, 07:21:05
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Jayati Godhawat

JWB Blogger

Here’s How You Can Help NGO Surya Uday To Make This Winter A Warm One For The Slum Kids

  • JWB Post
  •  November 11, 2016


JWB shared the story of Shobhal Singh, an ex-royalty of Ajaygarh, M.P. and how she founded the NGO, Surya Uday to uplift the life of rural women and to aid girl child education.

Shobhal Singh has also initiated the “Saturday Giving Day,” this Diwali. Every Saturday, Shobhal along with the donors, give away clothes, stationery, books, food items, etc., to the students of Hasanpura Basti School which her NGO has adopted.

“I wanted more people to associate with the cause and contribute to the education of underprivileged children. Every person has their own capacity and way to contribute it to the society. So, to make people aware of the joy of giving and making a contribution to the needy people, I came up with Saturday Giving Day,” Shobhal told JWB.

Shobhal also shared how she had taken the initiative further when she observed that many of the Jaipur women make donations on their birthdays, anniversaries, etc.

“Recently, one of the members of Surya Uday approached me and said that she wanted to distribute sweets and snacks to the underprivileged kids. Surya Uday arranged everything and together with her we distributed biscuits to over 100 children in a Government school in Suth Mill Basti, near Banipark,” she explained. ”

Shobhal also wishes to adopt other basti schools so that she can extend help to more children.

“Also, with the winters coming up, it would be great if people could donate woolens and blankets,” she appealed.

This time we’ll be distributing the woolen blankets to the street children, too,” said Shobhal

If you wish to make a donation of any above-mentioned things, you may contact Shobhal Singh on +91-9468966661.

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