Sunday, November 20 2016, 07:31:13
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Komal Panwar

Blogger & Singer

JWB Gets Tech Savvy Kids To Learn Sitoliya & Pehal Duj From The Slum Kids

  • JWB Post
  •  November 15, 2016


Click. Click. Click. That’s the sound we hear around us every single day. Technology. Well, that’s the thing with technology, it’s addictive. Though we’re really lucky that our childhood wasn’t influenced by bright screens, and clicking sounds.

Do you remember the games that kept us occupied during summer vacays? Kanche, gilli danda, sitoliya, pehal duj, chupan chupaayi? Ah, they’ve been replaced by PSPs and computer games, today. And, that’s what we intended to change when we picked up two tech-savvy kids from the city and marched towards the Jyoti Nagar slum area.

While Saksham, the 9-year-old was fascinated by PSPs and computer games, little Krinjal had a phone bigger than her size. *Wink*

The kids at the slum were already playing and offered to teach some games to our tech-savvy little ones. Some were paying attention to the chocolates we’d got for them, while the others were deciding what game to play.

And began, pehal dooj, popularly known as, hopscotch. A ten-year-old boy had a piece of chalk and began drawing the structure of the box. The kids had now begun searching for their ‘lucky’ stone to play with.

Krinjal was reluctant and was shyly hugging her mother who had accompanied her. “I don’t want to go, mom! I don’t know anyone!

She was plain shy. Her mother, Jaya, said, “If you want to eat chocolates, you must loosen up and play!

Krinjal tried to open up, but it was hard for her considering that most of her time was spent playing indoor/mobile games.

Our mission now was to get her away from shyness.

Saksham was sorted. He observed the game for a while, and while their hosts were playing splendidly, Saksham was a wee bit slow.

I could defeat them with my PSP, but I need to learn to defeat them here, too!

That’s right, Saksham! And so, he buckled up, took his shoes off, and started playing. Once the game was finished, Krinjal confessed to her mother that she’d like to throw a stone and play a game. Was it the chocolate craving talking? I don’t know, sir!

The next game had been my childhood favorite, too. Sitoliya.

Dr. Sudhir Sharma explained to the two kids that they had to hit the ball on the pile of stones, and then run. If the stones fall, their job would’ve been to arrange them back without getting hit by the ball.

Teams were divided, and this time Krinjal woman-ed up. But, with her mom! They together threw the ball at the stones, while the other kids watched with eagerness.

Apart from Saksham and Krinjal, the rest of the kids were well versed with the game. Saksham, who was being observant yet silent, was also beginning to open up with them.

The expert-with-outdoor-kids made sure their new friends got the hang of what they were trying to teach them. And since, the city kids were first timers, they cut them some slack.

I took a throw at the stones myself, and I can proudly say that: Haisha Huisha, they all fell down.

Saksham & Krinjal walked towards the kite-flying zone. While one kid checked the kite, another was prepared for a chutti. That’s when Dr. Sudhir Sharma added, “Now, if you want chocolates, you better let me fly this kite. Mhwahwhaha.

Okay, he didn’t go “Mwahahaha,” but I’m sure he felt it internally. Well, you know, Sakrat is far away.

Krinjal was now laughing, and a little okay with her mom not being around. I even overheard her saying, “Mom, I know none of these games!

And, that’s why you’re here!

Saksham had mingled well with the kids of Jyoti Nagar slum area, and was almost rolling in the dust. Ah, so much for friendship, ne?

Parents, get your kids to loosen up, a little. There are no stories without any bruises! And kids, do you want chocolates? Then get your butt off that reclining chair, and get to playing out in the warm Sun!

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