Sunday, July 31 2016, 10:34:35
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  • She Says

Drishti Bodhraj Premprakashi

JWB Blogger

JWB Is Enraged At Rajasthan College Denying Admission To Deaf and Mute

  • JWB Post
  •  July 19, 2016


Earlier this month, I visited Anandilal Poddar School for the Deaf and Mute to interview four girls who had been accepted into Maharani College. I’m afraid this time; it’s bad news for the boys at Anandilal Poddar.

Rajasthan College has DENIED admission to 50 boys from the special school. Rajasthan College, I am highly disappointed with you. Deaf or not, those boys have dreams just like us and you, denying them that opportunity, is cutting off their wings.

I remember how amazing it was getting to know those girls and learning about their hopes and aspirations. The glint of happiness in their eyes had filled my heart with joy and observing them in itself was an incredible experience. Although those girls made it to Maharani College along with seven other girls, the boys have been left behind. We spoke to Mr. Yogendra Singh Naruka, who is a professor there, to get an insight into the news.

Rajasthan college made many excuses for denying admission. They said that the deadline for registering online has run out and that they don’t have facilities or interpreters. Just developing infrastructure for these students will require a whole year and they aren’t agreeing to that. Rajasthan is constantly claiming to be an autonomous body. Rajasthan University has provided this opportunity to us through affiliated colleges, but the principals of all these colleges are not ready to agree with us,“ he said.

What now?

“These boys will take admission in a government college. They have seats reserved for the disabled but the hope these students had to study in a college with an independent campus has been shattered. They don’t have hostel and accommodation facilities. And no private colleges are agreeing to teach them for free.  The only campus that would provide them facilities is the least bit interested. Ramdev Poddar College, the college that had 60 seats reserved for the disabled has a building that’s on rent, so it is hard to provide them the same facilities there.”

In the recent wake of this situation, I feel that change is required. We need a better and flexible vision from educational bodies. It requires a heart on our end and someone who will take up the responsibility to provide these students with more facilities. Education should be inclusive of everyone because these students have as much right to receive an education as anyone else.

Cover Picture: Girls from Anandilal Poddar School For The Deaf And Mute

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