Saturday, July 23 2016, 06:44:54
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  • She Says

Jayati Godhawat

JWB Blogger

JWB Voices Akanksha Goswami’s Story, Asst. Director, Satyamev Jayate

  • JWB Post
  •  July 16, 2016


Akanksha Goswami, a twenty-something girl from Jaipur, who’s making it big in the city of dreams, i.e., Mumbai.

Akanksha is one of the most preferred voice-over artists for advertisements, recaps, etc. She has worked as an Assitant Director under Aamir Khan Productions for the popular show Satyamev Jayate. She is also a writer and a documentarian.

JWB interacted with the multi-talented Akanksha Goswami and talked about her life, aspirations, and much more.

Here’s a sneak-peak into our phone conversation with her:

Me: Tell us about you.

Akanksha: My family is based in Jaipur itself. After completing my school in Jaipur, I gained a degree in Advertising and Mass Communication from ICG College and then went to Bangalore for higher studies.

My dad is on All-India Radio, and my mom is an Event Manager, so from the early age, I was exposed to media and developed interest in it. I was also an RJ on All-India Radio for some time and worked as a child artist in a few shows and documentaries for Doordarshan.

Me: You worked as an Assistant Director for the show Satyamev Jayate. Tell us about that.

Akanksha: So, during my college days, I had shot a few documentaries on rural women and their issues as a part of our projects. Also, I frequently accompanied my father to his rural area visits for covering a story, which gave me a deep understanding of the lives of the rural women and children. So, when the research for Satyamev Jayate started, with the help of Shripal Shaktawat, a renowned Rajasthan journalist, I approached the team and expressed my will to contribute. And, that’s how I came on board and became a part of their team and the show. It was a life-altering experience for me. It changed the way I saw the world.

Me: I am sure! So, tell us about the scenario that went on the backstage of the show.

Akanksha: A lot of people asked us that if Aamir Khan was exaggerating the facts or he’s over-emotional and dramatic about things. I would like to say that whatever we showed in the show was cent percent real. For 13 episodes, an extensive research of 2 years was done and every fact, every statistic was verified. The reality, in truth, was even more disheartening than what you saw on the show. So many times, we would all, including Aamir Sir, used to sit together, watched the videos, cried, and got emotional. Aamir took it as a responsibility, and we all shared the same compassion for the work we were doing.

Me: Wow, that’s overwhelming! You also wrote a script for the Nat-Geo’s Megastructures. How was the experience?

Akanksha: Nat-geo like Satyamev Jayate also believes in extensive research. We conducted a 7-month long groundwork for writing the script.

Me: You even directed a travel show of 50 bikers’ Leh Ladakh expedition? How difficult is it to direct a travel show?

Akanksha: It is different than the routine direction. As a travel director, we have to show the experience of the traveler and take every shot bearing in mind that what will attract the audience. And, of course, you are always on the go, so that is also tricky. But, the key in such shows is that you capture the candid shots of your travelers.

Me: What are you currently working on?

Akanksha: I am planning two documentaries which will be about rural Rajasthan. I believe that Rajasthan has always been typecasted and shown in only one way. We should be proud of our culture and heritage, but, many people tag Rajasthan as a backward state, and that’s what I want to change. One of my documentaries will be on rural women of Rajasthan. Of course, I will highlight the social issues that these women face to create awareness about them. But also, I want to showcase the winning side of the women. I want to inspire people by capturing stories of women who fought these social evils and emerged as victors.

Me: That’s inspirational! Like you said, that Rajasthan is typecasted as a backward state; do you think it’s difficult for women, from “small” cities like Jaipur, to build a career in metros like Mumbai?

Akanksha: Yes, it’s tough. When I went to Mumbai, I was often asked that coming from a place like Jaipur, were you married at the age of 12-13, or do you get water from well. This is what irked me, and I decided to change the world’s perception towards my native place. As far as career is concerned, in the end, talent and passion are what matters. However, one needs to make connections and build a strong network to get going.

Me: Which one social issue, do you personally relate to?

Akanksha: I personally feel that Girl child education should be enforced more strictly. I believe that a woman is family’s pillar of strength and educating them will empower them. And, an empowered woman can improve the lives of many generations.

Me: So true! As a voice-over artist, describe the voice of an empowered woman.

Akanksha: An empowered woman’s voice would be clear, confident and precise. And, I would add a lot of a bass to it.

Me: And, if given a chance, which cartoon-character and an audio book would you like to give your voice to?

Akanksha: I am really good at imitating duck tales characters; and for the audio-book, I love Paulo Coelho’s books and would happily give them a voice.

Me: For any person’s success, parents support is imperative. Share with us, how your parents supported your dreams?

Akanksha: I totally agree with you. My parents are the reason I survived, and whatever I am today, I owe it to them. When I was coming to Mumbai, many of my distant relatives were unsure about my career choice, but, my parents always encouraged me to follow my dreams. They always said that do what your heart wants, just make sure that you do it and don’t leave it halfway.

Me: Wow! Like you said that many people didn’t approve of what you were doing, do you think that women with careers are deemed “too ambitious” and have pressure to “settle down?”

Akanksha: Yes, there’s a lot of pressure from relatives and other people. They tell my parents that you have committed a mistake by giving so much “freedom” to your daughter and that what if you can’t find a match for her? I think in India, it’s difficult to be a woman with ambitions. The bitter truth, isn’t it?

Well, Akanksha’s story of chasing her dreams with compassion for other people and surroundings is inspirational and motivates us to strive for our goals.

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